There are a few things you need to remember...

Okay, so as you know WhatsApp is a fast return messaging app. Because of this -

  • it does take up time
  • you could message the main pitch and that's that - or have messages going back and forth ALL DAY.

Is this good or bad?

As you know - about seven points of contact are needed for any sale.

WhatsApp can do this for you - rapidly!

What Are The Best Kinds Of Pitches To Make?

Leads with a free product

You just need them to click on the link and signup.

Can Things Go Wrong?


You could copy the link wrong and share it with a ton of folk and get no commission.

If this happens - (I use an affiliate platform that notifies me of bad links) you can then leave it for the next day and re-pitch with...

"hey did you manage to check out the free classes? There was a gorgeous one on buttercream flowers that I am looking forward to watching - here's the link (in a separate message)"

So problem fixed!

Avoid this by doing a test run first with the link to your spouse or friend - if the credit comes through on your dashboard within your affiliate program, you are good to go!

Last tip...

Use WhatsApp Web on your computer. With a keyboard and mouse that job goes much quicker and if you are working on your computer any way, stopping to quickly respond is easy.

Why I love this method? Once you have your main pitch message sorted - you just have to be yourself. No perfect anything. Just short messages giving the information or help that is required.

And of course it gets exciting as you see the increase on your user dashboard increase with every sign up!

Experimenting and trying to see what works for you on Whatsapp is vital.

I hope you found this training helpful.

Please let me know if you have had any experience with WhatsApp Marketing in the comments below.

Have an awesome day!


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Triblu Premium
Hey Tracy,

This is VERY interesting indeed.

Do you have to use a cell phone or can messages be delivered and received on, let's say, a desktop (or laptop) computer?
Tabsmark Premium
Hi Triblu

Sure you can use a desktop or laptop computer. You just have connect your phone to the WhatsApp Web. Then you are good to go.

Thanks for stopping by and commenting.

All the best.

Triblu Premium
Soooo... I do NEED a cell phone though, right, or at least access to someone's cell phone?
Tabsmark Premium
Yes you do.
Claudiojuan Premium
Many thanks!
Tabsmark Premium
It's a pleasure, thank you for stopping by to read.

Have an awesome day.

Lez01 Premium
G'day Tracy

I have to admit to initially being rather skeptical when I read the heading and first page, borderline spam I thought . I'm glad I read further, authority (as in really useful info) and subtlety have to be to be essential parts of this kind of marketing. I'm a member of several Whatsapp special interest groups where I'm recognized as a specialist, I find that merely sharing authoritively has group members asking for purchase suggestions. I have never attempted to monitize this but thanks to your tutorial..............

Excellently illustrated, much obliged.
Tabsmark Premium
Hi Les,

That is excellent news! I wish you all the best on monetising your WhatsApp list marketing.

Yes you do need to keep things personal and set yourself up as an authority in your niche group.

Thanks for sharing your experience.

Tabsmark Premium
Hi Ash

Thanks so much!

Hope it helps someone. I know it helped me.

Have a great day!

ashdew Premium
That's a cool one, Tracy :)