Author VitaliyG
Rank 12

Hey! Thanks for checking out Wealthy Affiliate. Please make sure you watch the above video fully, and here are the promised bonuses:

Bonus 1:
The 10 free lessons on promoting Wealthy Affiliate:

This is the course you'll want to check out if you want to use the Munch Eye strategy and make a website in the make money online niche (it's the same one I followed to get my results).

Bonus 2:
The 10 lesson course on making money in ANY niche you love.

This is an equally great course that helps people create a niche site in ANY passion they have. If you have any hobby or passion, this course will help you build a site off it and make money online from it.

Bonus 3:
My 1 on 1 coaching.

It's activated from the moment you joined. Anytime you need to reach out to me, just respond to this message or message me personally on my profile page here:

I have a 100% response rate and if you have any questions, fire away :)

Bonus 4:
7 days free access to the Wealthy Affiliate community.

This place has over 2 million members and you can interact with any of us for 7 days via live chat, forums and so on. As you go through any of the courses above, this will be explained.

Bonus 5:
A free site alongside your training.

Just start any of the training courses above and you'll be guided to make your own site in Wealthy Affiliate. It's free :)

2 more bonuses:

As I promised you in the video before you joined, I am adding 2 more special bonuses and here is how they work:

Wealthy Affiliate has a premium membership ($49/month) that unlocks all the training, tools and benefits (the training courses above explain this membership in more detail).

If you enjoy Wealthy Affiliate for free and want to upgrade, I want to provide you with extra bonuses to help you succeed and here they are:

Bonus 1:
If you upgrade within the first 7 days of signing up for free, you get the first month of premium for only $19.

Bonus 2:
If you upgrade within the first days, you'll also get 2 special guides from me:

Guide 1: My step by step guide to using Muncheye to promote Wealthy Affiliate (use it with the bootcamp course).

Guide 2: My step by step guide to picking your ideal niche to make an online business out of (if you choose not to promote Wealthy Affiliate).

Either way, you already have your starting 5 bonuses to work with and I encourage you to get started with the training material I linked to above!

If you have ANY questions, please fire away. I'm more than happy to interact and help you out.

I've been in Wealthy Affiliate since 2007 and am once of the most successful members here and I'd be more than happy to share my knowledge and help you move forward!

Thanks so much for reading this and I look forward to talking to you :)


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Newme202 Premium
Awesome start up message,
Straight to the point , motivating and inspiring
VitaliyG Premium Plus
Thank you :)
Newme202 Premium
You're welcome
I'm starting a clothing brand with my friend. I was wondering if the online entrepreneur course will help me to grow my brand a make a business out of it.
VitaliyG Premium Plus
Yes, you will want to find a niche audience that your clothing brand suites and continue the certification training from.there
Hey Vitaliy
VitaliyG Premium Plus
Hi Prosper, how are you?
Good good, I was hoping you'd help me put things into perspective on whether I should choose the affiliate bootcamp or the online entrepreneur course now Im thinking of taking the affiliate program cause I'm really interested in it but as a new member it kind Of confuses me
VitaliyG Premium Plus
No problem. It's very normal to be confused and overwhelmed with this stuff, especially if you're brand new or tried and haven't succeeded before.

I've been there and after doing this for over 15 years, I can tell you that if you follow these 2 steps, you'll get results:

Step 1: Find your ideal niche here: Step 2: Once you pick the niche, start the MAIN training here: Step 3 (optional): If you can't find a niche you really like, then go with bootcamp.

Follow every lesson in order.
Do not deviate or try/learn from another source other than this.
Stick to this training, do the tasks, and this is how you'll be able to get results.

Trust me, this is how I got my results, as did every other success story here (and in general). Let me know if you have any questions!
thenocon Premium
Thank you very much, this is what I have been looking for ! I appreciate you, betty!