Affiliate Marketing

In the current year, Affiliate marketing is the most prominent way for most struggling veteran bloggers to earn revenue from their websites. I have an itemized guide on what Affiliate Marketing is which will enable you to learn and master every little thing about it.

Here is a portion of the mainstream Affiliate platforms that you can join currently and get amazing products to promote:

  • ShareASale
  • Impact
  • Commission Junction
  • Amazon affilate program

This is the best website monetization tactic that you should begin to utilize immediately. If you really want to level up your blogging game, you can likewise search for a prominent affiliate program which helps you earn cool and consistent revenue monthly and in the lifetime.


I have utilized BuySellAds for some years now, and they offer one of the most ideal approaches to get immediate Ads displayed on a website. BuySellAds is an advertising network which creates connections between bloggers and advertisers.

Utilizing BuySellAds is very straightforward: You sign up an account, choose an advertisement inventory, generate a code, and publish it on your website.

A sponsor would then be able to click through the vacant placeholder, and purchase the advertisement space. BuySellAds deals with how payments are made and Ads served, and pockets 25% of the commission consequently.

Since the Ad quality at BuySellAds is really great and you don't need to work a great deal to get immediate Ads, this is a platform worth leveraging. You ought to know that getting approved for BuySellAds isn't that simple, as they concentrate so much on the quality and theme of your site.

Generally, BuySellAds is an advertisement platform for the pro WordPress bloggers. They likewise offer a supported tweet highlight, which will enable you to earn more revenue from your Twitter network.

They additionally have a WordPress plug-in which you can use to instantly install BuySellAds on your site.

  • Minimum Threshold: $500 for wire transfer, $20 for PayPal.
  • Payment mode: Wire transfer, Checks, PayPal
  • You need to create a BuySellAds account

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LyneP65 Premium
Thank you for this information, I'm writing a review on VigLink and I thought it would affect my link with wealthy affiliate but you answer me with this blog post
Israel17 Premium
Hey Lyne, thanks for reading my WordPress Monetization tutorial! Glad it helped!

Israel Olatunji
PKraenzel Premium
Hello again! I am quite satisfied with VigLink, and I am able to use the links for companies of my choice. In comparison to Shareasale and amazon, I am unable to use banners or image links from VigLink or I don't know-how. any idea?
Dale123 Premium Plus
I'm not sure about the specifics of using the banners with VigLink, but to be honest I'd advise against using banners where possible. Text links are much better because not only do they tend to convert better in general but also they are typically viewed more because many people use ad blocks which remove the banners from the page.
PKraenzel Premium
Thank you, you are right I try to use as little banners as possible and if they are small. I wanted to use a product image from a specific company that I have with viglink, but that's not possible through VigLink. it would look nice if I could display an image of the product.
any tips?
Israel17 Premium
I would implore you to subscribe to Dale123's advice on choosing text links in place of banners due to the occurrences of ad blocks. However, if you must use a product image, it can be an image that's related to the product.

Israel Olatunji
PKraenzel Premium
Hallo Israel! I am with viglink now and they have some interesting merchants who offer quality products that I want to display on my site, However! Viglink randomly puts links on my site of products and companies that don't really match what I want to promote. Question! how can i control that? I just want to put on the links of companies that I choose.
keishalina Premium
hey hi Patricia --- good questions and all questions are good ones here!

Just so you know, your query has landed in the awesome WA community of members for response and here we are to help assist ....

It's been more than a day ago since you last posted this and it's likely that Israel is very busy and surely he'll likely reply when he can ---

All the very best to you for every Success, cheerio .... :)
Israel17 Premium
Sorry for having irrelevant Viglink ads displayed on your blog! Simiilar issues occur with Google AdSense too, but with time, things get corrected. It usually happens when you're just getting approved or just displaying ads on your site. It doesn't continue like that for a long time. Only ads that are relevant to your niche will be displayed on your site. One thing you may need to do is add a specific tagline to your blog page, so you can help the platform better understand what your passion is about. Thanks for asking! However, if you continue seeing irrelevant ads after adding a tagline, don't hesitate to let me know.

Israel Olatunji
Israel17 Premium
Thank you so much for responding so quickly, my friend, Keisha! Much appreciated! I've posted an answer to PKraenzel's question. She asked a very sensitive question that warranted a solid answer. Thanks again!

Israel Olatunji
RiaBatista Premium
Very interesting Israel, I have a Catholic website that I am struggling monetizing. I have 10,000 sessions.

Which one would you recommend for my website: Viglink or BuysellAds.

I have had GoogleAdsense but removed because it was very disturbing. Didn’t like that it was displaying inappropriate ads all over.
Israel17 Premium
Hey RiaBatista, thanks for stopping by and kudos for reading this training tutorial! If you are considering to monetize your site using a Google AdSense alternative, Viglink is highly recommended. Aside from the other benefits, it enables you to earn from outbound links generated which is not possible with other advertising platforms out there. Try it out for a week and you will definitely make the right decision as to whether you should continue using it or not. Thanks for contributing!

The following resources may equally be helpful: Israel Olatunji
Israel17 Premium
Great, RiaBatista! You will have an awesome earning experience using the Viglink Ad network. Try it out in a week or two and find out if it's an Ad network you can leverage to monetize your site. You are an action taker. And action takers, they say, are money makers. Kudos for being an action taker!

The following resources may equally be helpful: Israel Olatunji
Israel17 Premium
Excellent, RiaBatista! You are almost there. This is the Viglink official guide for pasting the Ad code on your site: "Paste the VigLink code into your pages to start earning. The code should be inserted at the very end of your pages, just before the <\body> tag. The code needs to be present on all pages where you need VigLink to work. The best way to install the code everywhere is to add it to your site’s template". Hope this helps!

And to maximize earnings with Viglink, start building links and make sure to generate only quality backlinks implementing the white hat SEO strategy.

Israel Olatunji