9. Give a Response

Lastly, we must learn to give responses to these comments when we know they are wrong. The response should not be given in a rude or aggressive manner, but we should learn to give them as a means of dialogue.

Giving a response to critics will be beneficial especially when you are being misunderstood or wrongfully criticized.

Wrapping up

As easy as it may sound, dealing with criticism is actually not an easy thing to do. Everyone has a different opinion about your work or performance. But most times, these opinions are given as bad remarks and comments.

For this reason, we have to find effective ways to properly handle criticism in our business.

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DMelB Premium
Criticism is part of life, thanks for showing us different ways to help deal with it.
Israel17 Premium
Most welcome, DMelB! Thanks for reaching out all the way and kudos for reading my tutorial on how to deal with or handle criticism on the blogging journey! Much appreciated!

Israel Olatunji
Christorv Premium Plus
Keeping our customers happy all the time is an impossibility and can definitely be hard- especially with criticisms. An important skill to learn, communications- great tutorial- be calm in response to all criticisms and decide if a response is needed- lovely 👌
Israel17 Premium
Great remarks, Christorv! There's nothing you do that will ensure no one criticizes your work. Not at all! No matter the help you render to others or stuff you dish out to others, you're still going to meet critics on your way but the tips discussed in this tutorial will hopefully show you what next to do. Thanks for stopping by!

Israel Olatunji
OCH3943 Premium Plus
This is a very good tutorial. We need more of such people management / psychology management type of training in WA to manage criticism or related.

While this tutorial touch on the points, perhaps we could have more case studies that we can learn from other members experience.

Thanks again!
Israel17 Premium
Thanks again, my friend, OCH3943! As you proceed in your online journey, you will personally come in contact with critics and the tips you've read here will guide you on what to do and what not to do. Thanks again!

Israel Olatunji
OCH3943 Premium Plus
Thank you Israel! May I know, on point 7, Not everything needs a response, what could be some examples?
Israel17 Premium
Most welcome, OCH3943! Glad you enjoyed this tutorial on how to handle criticism! Not specific though, when a critic appears like someone that's finding every possible means to pull down your business, do not regard their messages. Rather, ignore them and they'll have nothing to do with your fortune, I bet.

Israel Olatunji
dan123321 Premium
Thank you sir... This is a great way to look at many areas of life and how we should, could, or would react to negative criticism...

I've always said, without the negative, the positive is virtually and naturally impossible.

And as you mentioned, "criticism is a gift", and we should welcome it with open arms knowing within yourself, your heart... you have good intentions... but could also use some pointers.

Everyone comes out with the growth of my favorite virtue patience as well as ultimately more knowledgeable on both ends.

Good stuff! I enjoy reading all of your posts.

Thanks again, sir.
Israel17 Premium
What a powerful contribution, dandarnell! Much appreciated! I agreed with you that without the negative, there can never be the positive. Thanks for always checking back to read my posts!

Israel Olatunji
dan123321 Premium
I enjoy your articles very much...thank you again .
Israel17 Premium
Oh thanks so dearly, my friend! Much grateful! See you at the top soon!

Israel Olatunji