Want to know how you can get your article seen by more people, shared more, and ultimately generate more affiliate referrals?
Engage in conversation with each Recommend or Tweet that you make. By creating a discussion around each post and responding to your friends questions, comments, or opinions in a timely manner will increase your article sharability.
Remember, every time someone goes on to share your link that you have shared on your twitter profile via a "Retweet" or within their Facebook wall with a "Share", it leads to more exposure to your affiliate link.

When you click the "Recommend" button on the Shoutout page, it allows you to add an initial comment. You might want to post your thought and/or opinions in reference to that article and encourage feedback (see above).
Let's look at an example "beneficial" situation....
You click Facebook Recommend button on the Shoutout Page for a blog post. It posts to your Facebook wall and you put your opinon on the article and encourage people to discuss it.
Let's say you have 150 Facebook friends (the average...maybe you have more, maybe less), but 5 of your friends join in on the conversation. This is doing something interesting:
- It is making your discussion prominent on ALL of your friends Facebook Homepage as it is a popular thread.
- It posts the conversation on the people who are joining in on the discussion
Here is an example discussion that I had on my Facebook profile:

AND it will likely lead to people sharing your article FORWARD, meaning sharing it on their Facebook "walls". You can even click the "Share" button and share it on your friends profiles (the ones that you think would be interested in the content).
Then say just 5 of your friends share it and they each have 150 friends...
If my math is correct, 150 x 5 = 750 Potential Viewers
That is, 750 additional views to an article that YOU originally shared and that has your affiliate link embedded. Multiply this by regularly using the Shoutout system and this could lead to potentailly 10,000's of impressions on your posted content every and a lot of revenue. Revenue for clicking a button and engaging in a few discussions!
I have searched the internet to find a program that I can trust, and grow with, I believe I just did that.
I think Wealthy Affiliate is going to be my online home! I have to give props to the person who directed me to The Wealthy Affiliate University, that would be none other then The Pot Pie Girl!
Thanks to all of you good people, I knew there were good people online, I hope I never lose my faith in other people!
Thanks Kyle and Carson. You guys have done it again!!!