6. To copy your original template to create additional images. Click on the little 'copy' icon on the RHS of your image and it will create additional copies below the original. YES, it's seriously that easy!

7. Change each copied image to individualize - don't forget to get creative :)

8. When finished, you can either; download images to your computer one at a time, or download all at once in a zip file.

9. Upload the images to your website for use as feature images and within blog posts as desired.

Please click on next page to see my series of case study featured images ->

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SusanHogan Premium
Great site. Thank you for sharing.
kdforsman Premium
You're welcome Susan, (whose not my cousin LOL). Hope you have as much fun with Canva, as I have. Cheers, Karen
Larmu189 Premium
Thanks for share.
kdforsman Premium
You are most welcome, I hope you found this of value.
Cheers, Karen
GBridgart Premium
great post we can all benefit from this
kdforsman Premium
Thanks for taking the time to check this out, it's a great product , Cheers, Karen
GBridgart Premium
Just a thought ( I know that's difficult for an Aussie) can you import an image into Canva ?
kdforsman Premium
Yes, absolutely. I have imported a number of images into canva - using the upload option or simply drag and drop. I can't believe how easy it is to use. Enjoy. Cheers, Karen
MojalefaR Premium
This is awesome, Karen. I gives me an idea about recording some wonderful successes of humble friends and relatives who should be known.

Thanks, Karen.
kdforsman Premium
Great stuff, Glad this inspired you. Cheers, Karen
Bald Eagle Premium Plus
What is Canva?
I ask because I have so much I am learning at the moment that to add more to it that may not be relevant seems a waste of time.
Talk about late to the party.
OK I will Google it
Bald Eagle Premium Plus
Right found it. Thanks
kdforsman Premium
Hi, it's a image creation and editing tool that we're learning about in the Super Affiliate challenge. There's a few training resources on here about it as well. Kyle recommends it in a few of his training videos. Cheers, Karen
kdforsman Premium
Awesome. plus the link is on the second page of this tutorial. Cheers, Karen