Upload of images photos pictures
Title, alt tag, and URL of pictures
- Make a unity of all 3
- Upload the picture with the correct name, that gives you an unique URL
- Combine Title, Alt tag and Description
Example URL, title and alt tag
First picture
URL: yourwebsite.com/colors_of_the_rainbow.jpg
Title: Colors of the rainbow
Alt tag: Colors of the rainbow
Description: Colors of the rainbow (and some more as you wish)
Second picture
URL: http://yourwebsite.com/feeling_of_freedom.jpg
Title: Feeling of freedom
Alt tag: Feeling of freedom
Description: Feeling of freedom (and some more as you wish)
Third picture
URL: http://yourwebsite.com/hot_air_balloon.jpg. jpg
Title: Hot air balloon
Alt tag: Hot air balloon
Description: Hot air balloon (and some more as you wish)
Give every image it's own URL
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