Ahh yes. Text.

The most viewed bit of information on your web page or lens. Here I'll briefly go over some handy text HTML coding.

Like the image tab. Be sure to change ( ) with < >

Text Styles

For Bold


For Italics

( i ) Text ( / i )

For Strong

( strong ) Text ( / strong )

For Emphasis

( em ) Text ( / em )

Coloring your text

Use the bold HTML to cheat your way to coloring your text!

for instance

(b style="color: green; font-weight: normal;")Green(/b)

That makes the word "Green" Green!

: Search Engines look fondly on words that are bolded.


Font Size

Here's the basic code

(b style="font-size: large; font-weight: normal;") Your Text Here (/b)

So.. Here's some of the words you can use to describe the font size (In the above example, just replace the word LARGE)


TIP: to add color to your super sized font. Just add the color HTML code around all of that.. but be sure to have (/b)(/b) at the end of it since you're using TWO HTML modifications, or else your whole page will end up red! (unless that's what you're going for)

Text Backgrounds

Ok.. so here's how you add neat text backgrounds to add more emphasis on your important sentences

Like This!

Here's the code

(p style="background: lightblue") Like This! (/p)

TIP: Like the text color section, it's best to use a LIGHT color to make it easy to read your text. If you use a darker color, be sure to use a different color text


This is a HUGE attention-getter for your most important information!

Here's the code

(p style="border: solid 10px orange; padding: 10px") This is a HUGE attention-getter for your most important information! (/p)

As you can see you just put in the color you want.

Border Variations

Replace "Solid" with these:


Border Size

Replace "10px" in the example with any numbered value.

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martyn Premium
Nice and simple tutorial, a must see for all squidoo newbies.
Carson Premium Plus
Great tutorial on some of the inner workings of Squidoo!
Dorbie Premium
Great tutorial on some of the inner workings of Squidoo!
amki Premium
I love the short and sweet approach! It's so much easier to remember content when it's not clouded by too much verbiage.
MGS Premium
I love the short and sweet approach! It's so much easier to remember content when it's not clouded by too much verbiage.