The training you get here is straightforward and delivers. But like with anything else you have to be patient. For some reason being patient is very easy to understand when undertaking a traditional business but we lose this focus when we take on internet business.

You don't expect to create a traditional brick and mortar business from scratch and be in the profit zone until after the first year or two. But for some reason with online business, people lack patience and want an immediate return or they think it's not worth it.

This is probably because so many times we've seen those outrageous ads with their outrageous claims. Claims of being able to retire people in 100 days after taking on their full proof scheme. Even when we know better, this thought of instant returns begins to cloud our reality and people expect to build an online business from scratch and be making full time income in a month or two.

Remember, the training here is real and delivers, but it's not a scheme that you plug in and sit back and wait for cash to come in. How much you make depends on how much time you put into it, how much you stick to the training, and how patient you are with your success.

There simply isn't a timeline to the profit zone with any business, traditional or online. If an entrepreneur opens a small shop and after a year is in the profit zone, does that mean someone can open up a similar shop in the same area and be in that same profit zone in that same time span? Of course it doesn't. There are so many variables involved and we see this all the time. A new place opens and thrives and the one next door just can't seem to catch a break.

So why do we always try to place ourselves on this non-existant timeline that hurts more than it helps?

Let's take a look on the next page at a more realistic question we should be asking ourselves...

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BrendanB1 Premium
Thank you Eric, you hear these people telling their story about how they were broke and destitute, but they did this one great thing and overnight they were rolling in cash. (I think a lot of them just gloss over a year or two of hard work).

Success comes in time, but there is some hard work to be done in between and as you pointed out, if you get the foundation right it will come in time.
EricCantu Premium Plus
I couldn't agree more. Hard work and good training are the absolute keys here. Thanks for the comment!
asoltys58 Premium
Solid training Sir. I will be connecting this to my site to help people get a realistic, informed viewpoint. Thanks!
EricCantu Premium Plus
Awesome. I appreciate that. Thanks for the comment!
Dmorrow Premium
Very insightful and, yes, I see these questions over and over every day. The other one I see a lot is "I created my site and did some pages, but why don't I have any traffic yet? Thanks for addressing!

EricCantu Premium Plus
Thank you for the comment! I'm glad you enjoyed this. :)
Dmorrow Premium
It takes me back to 2 years ago when I joined. I know sometimes those questions are asked because people have been scammed before and they are unsure but, still, they can be irritating to see over and over and over!
EricCantu Premium Plus
I think it's a natural question and the main reason I wanted to create this training was to ease some of those asking it so they realize they don't have to put themselves on such a harsh timeline. The training they get here will deliver in time. They just need to be driven and have patience.
dwcookie Premium
Well you already know my issue, PATIENCE. I've not been patient with traditional business either. I've got timelines for a lot of things. Sometimes, timelines make me work harder to achieve my goal. Most times my timelines are unrealistic to others but I work my ass off to achieve what I want. Sometimes I met it, other times I don't so I set another timeline.

I work for a spa and started my own business after graduating from Massage school in 2012. I got no clients really my first year, second year I ran Living Social specials just to get my name out there. I called this sweat equity because I made nothing per client. LS made the most of it. Maintained some of them but life got in the way, divorces, lost jobs and moving. So again I was at scratch one. My point, I never gave up, still have my office, still work full time at the spa. Was named Best MT in 2015 in my area. I've got referred clients coming in. My problem is that I work way too much now. But I never gave up.

I hate failure, it pisses me off to the umpteenth level. No matter how frustrated I get or how much crap I talk I will press on. I've given up in the pass because I didn't want to do the work. I know what it takes just didn't want to do it. Now I don't have a choice. I can't continue at the pace I'm at.

Took a break for a few days from here. Got my piss and vinegar back, lets get it done. Working on bringing that traffic I need.

Welcome back.
EricCantu Premium Plus
You're very determined, that's easy to see. And just like with your massage business, you mentioned not getting any real clients your first year, and the second year not really making a profit from your clients. You worked through those times because you understood it's a process. In traditional business this is more understood. Can you imagine being able to start a traditional business from scratch for less than $50/month. That's unheard of. Yet so many come to online business and complain about that figure, and then they want to make thousands their first month.

It's to those that this training is pointed at to help them focus on just how good we got it at WA so it's a little easier to stay patient and driven.
dwcookie Premium
$50 a month I could spend in a couple days from eating out or a week of DD's or Starbucks coffee and a sandwich the size of a golf-ball. At one point I couldn't afford that myself. Been there done that but WA is freaking awesome and so worth the $50 a month. For the community alone. Other places ask for a lot more money and don't give you half of what WA offers.

Stay patient and driven, even if you have to bitch about it. That's my way of dealing with my lack of patience. Venting is good for the soul.
EricCantu Premium Plus
amen to that!
pablocortina Premium
Good didactic
EricCantu Premium Plus
I'm glad you liked it. Thanks Pablo!