What are Keywords?
Day in, day out, people are making search queries on Google and other search engines; the word or phrase typed into this search engine is referred to as keywords. Each keyword stands on its own, no matter the group of words they all result at different completion level. And their level of competition goes a long way to determine their ranking on search engines.
What are the different types of keywords?
When we use search engines, we either make our searches very narrow (short tail keyword) or we make it broad (Long Tail Keyword). That is we either don’t need to be very specific about what we are looking for or we want to narrow it down and be very specific.
Let us take a good example if someone types in “day old chicks”, and someone else types in “how to brood day-old chicks”. While the first person is looking at a broad search, the second person has narrowed it down with a long keyword and much more specific. Although not a rule, a good way to identify long-tail keywords is that are phrases with between 3 and 6 words.
If you can find good once –long-tail keyword – that applies to your business then all good. The journey to optimization has begun; the good thing about long-tail keywords is that they are many times, specific things people are looking for and driving such traffic to your website will help you make a sale faster than you can imagine.