3. Make Use Of Twitter's Hashtags To Reach The Right People

Twitter is wonderful and useful social media platform to make your brand known through your niche/industry all over the world if you create a quality content but you fail to leverage on marketing to expose your post, creating viral content that overwhelms and amazed the visitors to the extent of sharing your article on their various social medial platform for followers to see and still keep on to share. The silent secret about twitter is making use of hashtags to you to increase the contents to get to the people who use hashtags to search for information in your niche.

Note: You get as much news as possible relating to your niche on Twitter, if you are on it, you get a new idea or the current need of the people and you write something about it and gain traffic immensely.

4.Update Your Old Content Perfectly

Many bloggers think as long if have created an article on your blog that is the end of it, it's never like that because some of the point you might have mentioned might be obsolete at any point in time and that calls for update to give the current substitute for that, this will increase the user experience and reliability and accuracy of your blog post. You can check on your post and identify those that have lesser traffic, know this through your Google Webmaster, just think of how to make the post/content more helpful to the readers, you can publish the updated content as a new post with a new URL or the old one.

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JeffreyBrown Premium Plus
Thanks for this, Abayomi!

emimos12 Premium
Thank you for the comment and your encouragement, rock high in online world.
JeffreyBrown Premium Plus
Thank you very much, my friend!
GKhyneSam Premium
Thanks buddy great info
emimos12 Premium
Thank you for stopping by, have once said it in my previous article that success does not come by satisfying oneself but through helping and adding value to others, if you want to achieve greatness, you need to find blog post of others bloggers and make a useful comment and give answer to every question, this will help your blog too. Achieve greatness and rock high in online world.
mosb2012 Premium Plus
Ty for the info about subscribers.com. I often wondered if there was a site for organic traffic we could sign-up to for FREE to get more valuable traffic.

Greatly appreciated!

To Your Success,

emimos12 Premium
I appreciate your comment, information is power, we need to leverage perfectly to rock higher in online business. Thank you.
JannetteT Premium Plus
I schedule one day out of the week to update old articles that are older than a month.
emimos12 Premium
I appreciate your comment and stopping by, success does not come anyhow but it comes by taken the right steps to succeed.Updating is very crucial, keep rocking high.
Willow29 Premium
I've wondered about updating older articles and if it was useful. Thanks for the great ideas!
emimos12 Premium
Thank you for the response, updating is very useful and crucial. Rock high in online business.