3. Sharing Out Some Achievements or Certain Accomplishments as a List Post

If there are achievements, or certain accomplishments, you want to share out with your audience in a blog post, you will want to use numbers in a list to create awareness and drive your readers' attention to these achievements.

Maybe, you want to share your blogging experience in your first year of getting started, the blogging challenges you came across and the particular month in which you made your first dollar online, use of numbers in lists will do the job perfectly for you.

If you promise to share out some accomplishments you had so far in blogging before you had your breakthroughs online, readers would be captivated and interested in reading and hearing your story because they're currently going through the same and they will want to learn from your own blogging experience, past failure, and success story.

Using numbers in a list to write such a post would be excellent as readers would be so comfortable to read such. That's the kind of content readers need to find in blog posts. That's the writing style/format that captivates and lure readers down the post page.

4. Showing Records of Statistics for Public Views

You may want to show records of how things worked out for you in the course of blogging, stating how you started to see results with your content strategy or any other necessary thing you want to pass across to your audience.

Many veterans and newbies will also learn how they can improve their own blogging experience by implementing your content strategy.

Some bloggers usually publish records of earnings/payments on a monthly basis as a way of showing to their audience that they too can earn the same way. Numbers are highly needed in such cases, not words alone. And they can be used either in a list or in other post formats.

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MoniArora Premium
Great article... thank you for sharing.
Very useful information and it makes sense!
Israel17 Premium
Thanks for stopping by, Moni! Much appreciated! I believe you would testify to the efficacy of using numbers productively in blog posts especially in form of lists which most bloggers out there ignored.

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Israel Olatunji
ThimGraFort Premium
Well structures article!
Thanks for the great lesson you taught me here!
Israel17 Premium
Kudos to you for the engagement, ThimGraFort! Use numbers productively in your blog posts and start building readership in a greater way.

You can access all of my training resources here:

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Israel Olatunji
ThimGraFort Premium
Thank you very much blessed Israel!
LouisaB Premium
Yes, I really enjoyed this article!

Well appreciated topic!

Awesome tips and points.

Israel17 Premium
Thanks for stopping by, LouisaB! Much appreciated! Numbers are rarely used by most bloggers in blog posts, and the topic of using numbers effectively in blog posts is not commonly treated.

You can access all of my training resources here:

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Israel Olatunji
DebbieRose Premium
Good information...I don't believe the topic of numbers has been discussed before. Thanks.
Israel17 Premium
Thanks for the engagement, Droseh! Much grateful! The topic of using numbers productively in blog posts is rarely treated on blogs. You're very correct, my friend, whereas, this can impact content-readability and readership-building positively if worked upon efficaciously. Thanks for the visit!

You can access all of my training resources here:

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Israel Olatunji
bigrog44 Premium
Thanks for sharing, Israel.
Israel17 Premium
You are welcome, friend. Thanks for the commitment! Make your content more readable to your readers by using numbers in lists.

You can access all of my training resources here:

Or you can get a quick overview of my training resources through the links below: Thanks for the visit!
Israel Olatunji