The term Black Hat SEO is like a shortcut to success, and anything that is shortcut always harms such person that practices the act, this is essential to know that using the black hat SEO methods and techniques will get your website banned from the search engines, the action will remove such person from gaining organic traffic from the internet. We must have a deep understanding of what Black Hat SEO is all about and the in-depth repercussion.

What is the meaning of Black Hat SEO

Black Hat SEO is widely recognized as an unapproved practice, and shortcut practice that can get the website page ranked in the search engine (SERP). All these activities and exercises are contrary and not in line with search engine terms of service, and it might result in banning of the site from the search engine and other affiliate websites. Many of these methods and tactics adopted by the black hat SEO practices have been outrightly rejected on Google's Webmaster Guidelines and also the rules guiding mode of service of Bing(Bing's Webmaster Guidelines).

If the user is not getting the value needed for your site, and the rankings are increasing, then your conclusion and practices are automatically likely to be black hat, a website that gives or added no value, no solution to the users problems and findings but keeps ranking will meet the waterloo, get banned by the search engine, because breaking the rules means getting the ax and banned. I believe in doing things right, and in the right way, Google algorithm is susceptible to every element that contributed to the ranking. Ranking factors are practices that must be done to have organic ranking to your website, and black hat SEO is not for you.

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don1rock Premium
Hey Emimos12,
Thanks for the complete story of Black Hat SEO. I was aware of a part here and there but not the whole thing.
emimos12 Premium
I appreciate your comment, it is very important to have the idea of black hat seo tactics to avoid or prevent penalty from Google,thank you for your time and respose.
BrendaMZ Premium Plus
Thanks for this training. Now , I have a better idea what to do. Goes to show us the serious repercussions of doing black hat SEO. There are no shortcuts.
emimos12 Premium
Every online business owner must guide against any penalty from Google, we must keep doing the right thing to get ranked from Google via quality content, responsive website,mobile-friendliness etc., all these must be our weapons for ranking.Thank you for your comment.
BrendaMZ Premium Plus
Thats true also not only about that but compliancy issues related to your website like ADA, GRDP, CCRA (those laws apply) for sales and services online.
JeffreyBrown Premium Plus
Great information, Abayomi!
emimos12 Premium
Prevention is better than cure, that is why every online business owner must dance to the tune of Google algorithm, thank you for your comment.
ExpatMark Premium
Thanks for sharing some information that can help us all stay out of the Google doghouse.
emimos12 Premium
Yes, its very needful for all online business owners to play safe at all time, thank you for your comment, achieve greater height in online business.