After you're done with that, it's time to create a rough monetization plan.

Write down what you can promote, including the most suitable affiliate programs.

It's also a good idea to do some math to figure out how good the affiliate programs really are. So, if you have a $10 products with an 10% commission, it will take you a while to meet your goals. However, if you have a $100 product with a 10% commission, it will take a lot less products to sell to meet your goals.

Also consider products you can create yourself, such as eBooks.

Here's an example of a monetization plan if I was considering to go into the Korean cooking niche.

Niche name: Korean Cooking

  • Promoting kitchen equipment on Amazon
  • Selling advertising
  • Writing niche Korean cookbooks aimed at specific diets (Korean vegan, Korean paleo)
  • (Once the website gains traction) Sponsored restaurant reviews

Remember that the main goal of this plan is to find out how money is being spent in your niche and get an idea of how to take advantage of it.

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HoraceT Premium
This is really good Doug. Thanks!
jivitajay Premium Plus
Thanks Dough, good points.
Magieken Premium
Helpful information. Thank you.
NRosales Premium
Congratulations on the first place and thank you for the simple but meaningful training.
Swangirl Premium
Yes, it is very important to pick a niche you are interested in. So many people try to jump on the bandwagon of a niche that is supposed to be popular but they know nothing about. If it is popular it will be that much more competitive and you will get burned out trying to learn about something and write about something that you have no interest in. Your site will also feel less authentic if you pick a niche you don't care about.

It is easier, more enjoyable and more authentic to pick a niche you either know a lot about already and/or you are really interested in and want to learn about. If you are offering information to people in a field you care about that will make you a respected authority rather than someone just trying to sell something.
dougbeney Premium