Be unique, be funny, and be too good to be true being YOU! Don’t see someone’s success on Fiverr
and try to emulate it, if you are going to do a similar or same gig, stand out! How do you stand out? One of two ways:

  1. Your gig is different than the rest and is better to purchase
  2. You stand out by using the first four rules
If you apply the first four rules, and do them right then even a not so special gig will gain enough attention to bring in daily revenue. See for yourself!

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bothewebguy Premium
Once you start getting gigs, the ability to add extra gigs to the initial gig come available.
Goldenlady Premium
Thanks so much for all the details and explanations here. It's good to know how to make a gig stand out on this site that has so many of them, even in a single category.
Shawn Martin Premium
Interesting , thanks!
ThomasPaul Premium Plus
Thanks for sharing this. Great tips!
LordDemon13 Premium
you're welcome!
mama2karsten Premium
I spent many years working in audio and video production... it is very automated. For a 30 second voice-over... someone who knows what they are doing could comfortably knock-out 30-40 30sec VO's in an hour. That's $150-$200 per hour @ Fiverr's $5 gig price... Work 2-3 hours a day... not a bad day at all. Of course that doesn't include the up-sells listed on the demo page (if they have a demo). Most of the top rated one's do. I used to syndicate high impact radio and TV coast to coast and I can tell you with radio 30sec spots we knocked out 45 an hour at $99each. I am certainly glad I was not competing with $5 gigs. Thanks for the Fiverr seller rules
LordDemon13 Premium
Wow that's some easy cash!