Clarity of Your Goals

The first habit is having Clarity of your goals and direction. This is a big thing!

Have you ever found that when you are unclear on what you would like to achieve and why you want to achieve, you find yourself fumbling around for days, weeks or even months... without actually achieving much at all!?

I have! And this is a little exercise which I do regularly to help:

  1. What do you want to achieve in the next year and why? The why is important!
  2. What do you need to get done in the next 90 days (3months) in order to move closer to that goal?
  3. What do you need to get done this week in order to move closer to the 90 day goal?
  4. And most importantly, what do you need to get done Today?

Now go and do it!!!

The key lesson here is to:

  • Set your goals, and most importantly, reasons for these goals
  • Break those goals down into 'micro goals' that are actionable!

What are your goals for this week, and most importantly, today?

Share them with us below.

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MKearns Premium
Great, I wanna tap into this!
SWPSLifestyl Premium
Excellent! Hope it helps and let us know how you go!