Build Your Confidence

Make decisions based on whether it will build your confidence or reduce it.

You need to make the right choices that give you the energy and motivation you need.

For example: You get home from work and you are deciding on whether or not you are going to go to the gym.

  • Make the decision that will build your confidence.
  • Make the decision to stick with your commitment.
  • Don't base your decisions on what you "feel" like doing, base them on what you had committed yourself to do.

Try and make decisions about doing something before the moment of doing it. This will help!

If you made the decision yesterday to work on your website after work today, go ahead and do it. Even though you get home and are feeling drained from a tough day, you will feel better if you stay with you commitment, rather than 'guilty' and 'defeated' if you don't.

Conversely, if you decide that today you will spend quality time with a friend, do it. Instead of feeling guilty that you aren't at home working.

Make a commitment, stick to it and build your confidence and energy!

What have you committed to doing today?

Share them below so you stay accountable.

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MKearns Premium
Great, I wanna tap into this!
SWPSLifestyl Premium
Excellent! Hope it helps and let us know how you go!