This picture has no relevance to what I am talking about, I just liked it because I couldn't think of what else to put here to grab your attention, time for a break I think...
Now you are looking more professional, people can stop guessing what you are trying to do with your pictures. Cryptic pictures rarely work, they're an inside job which rarely works with your audience.
When you are a large corporation you can get away with almost anything, but, when you are a small business you don't want your audience to work to try and figure out what you are trying to say.
They need the information and they need it now. I know, a picture says a thousand words, but if you don't explain what those thousand words are they could come to the wrong conclusion and you've lost a customer.
I hope this has helped you to understand why it is important to let your customers know exactly what is going on in your mind. This is no time for them to guess or they will move on.
If you have any questions please ask.
If this tutorial has been useful for you let me know by commenting and liking the page.
Get awesome, stay awesome and show us your awesomeness!
That last sentence came from nowhere, lol !
This was sorely needed.....
BTW, can I go back and edit these things in the pics I've already inserted?
Thanks again, and have a fab week!☺☺☺