1.Media.net ad network is recognized as the 2nd largest contextual ad network throughout the globe:

This Ad Network work perfectly with the yahoo Bing Contextual Ads initiatives which stand as one of the famous and the largest network of advertisers throughout the world- having up to $6 bn volume of search demand mainly for the publishers. This network can absorb your inventory, no matter how heavy your content might be and the niche you choose to be. The market is more competitive which gives the advertisers leverage on keywords for search-ability on the marketplace; this network will give you great earnings with quality ads on your website.

2.The first D2S Ad Network format

Ad display plays an important role to increase conversion, the format that this ad network serves is a sophisticated ad display, the placement of which recognize the search intent and showing the relevant keyword search which makes use of a CPC model.

The ad format used by media.net it enables the filtering of the visitors intent which has a result in focusing of ads on your blog and better revenue is earned, most of the advertisers have the likelihood to pay more for these clicks which as lucid user intent, it is more valuable than CPM based ads.

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AmazeCPS Premium
That is very good training. I have experience with google AdSense. I think this will suit with my blog too. But, I have google Adsense too. Is there a problem when I use more than one Ads network in single site. What is the idea about?
Thanks so much your tutorial
DeRaj Premium Plus
I'm using Google Adsense with Media.net ads for almost 3 years. So, there is no issue using Media.net with AdSense but you should know that you will earn only around 20% from Media.net than what you earn from AdSense. So, as I did, it's better to put 1 Media.net ad and 3 Adsense ad on the same page.

Good Luck!
CCelest Premium
This alternative sounds great. Thank you for the details.
emimos12 Premium
Kudos to you for your comments,rock high and enjoy your day.
Jadatherapy Premium
Thank you for sharing much appreciated

I have just written a review for this service that I have been using for over a year now.

I will be adding your training to this review because I think that it complements it well, so thank you.

You wrote this just in time for me. YAY.

Have a great week and stay safe

emimos12 Premium
Thank you for your comments and your time, keep rocking higher and achieve your goals in online business
Jadatherapy Premium
Have a great week and stay safe

Here's to making it happen in 2020 and beyond

Jenny28 Premium
Thanks for sharing. I have heard of media net before as a great alternative to Adsense. I will have to check it out.
emimos12 Premium
Thanks for your comments and try media.net to discover the benefits, achieve your goals and objectives in online business.
Parameter Premium
thank you emimos.

great to see an alternative that is interested in both your lead generation and your overall progress.

I will bookmark this training
emimos12 Premium
Thank you for stopping by and get your blog monetize through media.net, rock higher to achieve your goals