2 Have a bumper sticker printed up with your web

site address and other business information. Place it

on the bumper of your car. People will see it when

you're driving. For example, if I was having money

problems and I suddenly saw a bumper sticker about

getting out of debt, I might go home and visit that web


3 Clone your advertisements all over the Internet

by allowing your visitors to give your online freebies

away. Just include your ad somewhere inside them.

You could also start an affiliate program and pay

people commissions to run your ads. You could also

give your affiliates viral marketing tools to use like

e-books or articles.

4 Have some ball caps made with your web site

address and other business information. Wear them

to keep the sun out of your eyes and promote your

business at the same time. You could also order a

large number of them and donate them to a local

sports team. People in the stands at each game

would see your web site address.

5 Give your visitors a free net video. You could

also include your own ad on the video and allow

other people to give it away. If you don't want to

take the time to create one, you could ask other

people permission to use their video. They will

just want you to advertise their product too.

6 Have a magnetic sign made with your web site

address and other business information. Place it on

your car door or roof when you are traveling. You

could also perhaps pay a local cab or truck shipping

company to place them on their vehicles to get

extra exposure.

7 Tell your prospects that you stand behind all

your products. People want to know that you back-up

any claims you make about your product. For

example, "I personally guarantee my product will

work or your money back." Another example,

"(title) Research Inc. has documented, proven studies

our product will…"

8 Create a net audio with your advertisement and

link of your affiliate web site. The subject of the free

audio should draw your target audience to download

it. Also submit it to some audio directories. The more

exposure your free audio gets, the more your ad will

be seen.

9 Have some duffel bags made with your web site

address and other business information. Give them

to family and friends as gifts or use them when you

travel. You could also donate some to exercise gyms,

school kids, sports teams, etc. This would give you

a wide variety of people who would see your ad.

10 Have some pens imprinted with your web site

address and other business information. When you

have finished filling out your check or signing receipts,

leave it for the next person to use or keep. You could

also give a number of them to your employees and


11 Have some mugs imprinted with your web site

address and other business information. Use them

when you have company or give them away to

friends and family as gifts. You could donate some

to the local coffee shops and increase your web site


12 Advertise the product you're reselling in your

signature file. Use an attention-getting headline and

a good reason for them to visit your affiliate site.

Make sure your sig file doesn't go over 5 lines. Also

include your name, occupation, business name and

e-mail address.

13 Visit business discussion boards regularly. You

could discover helpful advice, online resources, and

take the opportunity to give your own two cents worth.

Plus you can get free advertising. On most boards you

can include a text link to your web site. It doesn't matter

if you ask questions, give answers or inform people.

14 Create a free e-zine. Use your e-zine to advertise

the affiliate programs you've joined. Submit your

e-zine to online e-zine directories and promote it on

your web site. Trade e-zine ads with other publishers.

15 Interview famous people who your visitors want
to know more about. Publish the interview in article
or audio format on your web site. For example, if
your target audience is business owners, you could
interview other business owners, business experts,
opportunity seekers, web marketers, affiliate program
owners, business authors, etc.

16 Spend money on targeted advertising instead of
mass media advertising. You don't want to waste
your ad dollars on people who aren't interested.
For example, you don't want to buy a business
opportunity ad in a football magazine unless it is
related to sports. If you are sending your ad to a
general audience, make sure they have a section for
your particular sub-set of that audience.

17 Focus your site on your visitors’ desires, not on
yourself. They want to know what's in it for them,
not that you won an award for your business. For
example, don't make your ad mostly about what
you have done, make it about what benefits the
reader will get for buying.
18 Try not to get caught up in loading your site up with
technological gizmos and gadgets. Concentrate on
your words, they will do the actual selling. For
example, some of those high tech things make your
web page load slower and some people won't want
to wait around when there are thousands of web sites
similar to yours.

19 Create your own ad copy; don't copy the basic
run-of-the-mill ad copy. Don't be afraid of trying
something different to increase your sales. For
example, get people’s attention by using a wacky
or funny picture of yourself. Another example
would be to spell your headline backwards.

20 Offer a free online service from your web site.
Have visitors fill out their contact information to
sign up for the free service. For example, if your
visitors are webmasters, you could offer a free web
site design critique service. Another example would
be to offer an online graphic creation service.

21 Ask visitors to sign your guest book. Tell them
you will give a free gift in return. When people sign
your guest book, they will usually leave helpful advice
on how to improve your web site and product. They
will sometimes leave compliments which will brighten
your day.

22 Increase your profits by concentrating on small
details. Improving small things like text size, color,
or graphics can really make a positive difference.
For example, if people can't read small text how are
they are going to buy your product? Another example,
why would somebody spend time at your web site
if your colors are all bright ones and hurt their eyes?

23 Allow visitors to submit a free classified ad
on your web site. Require them to give a valid
e-mail address in order to post an ad. You could
also require them to give you a reciprocal classified
in return on their web site, in their e-zine, on their
autoresponders, etc.

24 Keep your web site consistent. You don't want
things on your web site that are unrelated to your
theme. For example, if you went to a web site and
one page was blue and the next page was pink, then
the next page was green, wouldn't you think very hard
before purchasing their product? It would look very
unprofessional to you.

25 Make your web site ready for the public. Have
an "About Us" page and clear descriptions of what
actions you want your visitors to take. For example,
you could say "My name is (your name). I started this
candy business back in 1975 with my brother Jim.
In 1999 we brought our business to the web and now
we ship our candies to 50 countries around the world."
26 Offer other web sites free content to post on

their web site. Include your link on all of your content.
The content should related to your web site because
it will be in front of your target audience. You could
include your link in your resource box or subtly
mention it in your article.

27 When you visit a web site you've enjoyed a lot,
write a review for the site. Write about the benefits
you gained from it. Tell them they can publish
it on their web site if they link to yours. If you
can, try to capture people's e-mail addresses by offering a free e-zine or autoresponder course below the

28 Allow other people to publish your e-zine on their
web site. Include your web site's ad and link in each
issue you publish. This may also help you increase
the number of people who subscribe to your e-zine.
You could also allow people to use your full issue for
their own e-zine as long as they include your links.

29 Market your web site as a free web book. Design
your web site with a title page, table of contents,
chapters, etc. Just allow other people to give away
the web book by linking to your web site. You will be
getting traffic and people will be giving away a free
web book to their visitors.

30 Give your visitors an instant article directory. Tell
your visitors they can instantly add a free article
directory to their web site by linking to yours. Just
place your ad or banner ad on top of the article
directory for your main web site. You could also have
your own article in a prime position for republishing

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ashdew Premium
Thanks for the tips provided.

It would be good if you edited this for layout and presentation as it is a bit difficult to read.
