for their web site visitors. Just have them link directly

to the discussion board. Include your web site’s ad or

banner ad at the top of the discussion board. You could

also post to it regularly to get increased exposure.

32 Start a Members Only web site. Tell visitors what's

in your Members Only site and what it costs to gain

access. Offer them a free membership if, in exchange,

they link to your web site. This will be a real bargain

for them instead of paying to get access to your

Members Only web site.

33 Offer your visitors a free sign up to your affiliate

program. Pay them commission to sell your products

or services. Just give them an affiliate link to track their

sales. People will link to your web site to make extra

money. You could offer monthly contests and bonuses

for your affiliates too.

34 Create your own award site for other web sites.

Give the winners a graphic or text link to place on their

web site when they win. This will link your web site

to theirs and draw more traffic to your web site. You

could give out awards every day. Each award you give

out is a link back to your web site.

35 Are you an expert on a particular subject? Offer

people free consulting via e-mail if, in exchange, they

link to your site. People will consider this to be of

huge value because consulting fees can be very

expensive. For example, you could say, "Get A FREE

30-Minute Consultation For Linking To Our Web Site

For One Month!"

36 When you purchase a product and it exceeds your

expectations, e-mail a testimonial to the company. Make

sure your statement is detailed. Give them permission

to publish it on their web site if they link to your site.

For example, under your testimonial you could sign it

"(your name) Author of (your book) Visit (your site)."

37 Create a directory of web sites on a specific topic.

Give people the option of adding the directory to their

web site by linking to it. Put your business ad at the

top of the directory's home page. For example, you

could say, "Add This Directory To Your Own Web


38 Exchange content with other web sites. You could

trade articles, top ten lists, etc. Both parties could

include a resource box at the end of the content. You

could also trade content with other e-zine publishers,

autoresponder publishers, e-book publishers, report

publishers, etc.

39 Allow people to download software at no charge

from your web site, if they link to your web site. The

software could be freeware, shareware or demos.

You could set up joint venture deals with software

creators. You could also allow other people to give

the software away with your ad in it.

40 Offer your e-book as a free bonus for buying

one of your main products or services. People

will buy the product or service more often when

you offer a free bonus. For example, you could

say, "Get a free e-book when you order our (product)

before (the date)!"

41 Allow people to download your e-book for

free if they give the e-mail addresses of 3 to 5

friends or associates who would be interested in

your e-book. This will quickly build your e-mail

list. For example, you could say, "Download Our

E-book At No Cost If, In Exchange, You Refer

3 Of Your Friends To Our Web Site By E-mail."

42 Create a directory of web sites in e-book form.

List people’s web sites in the directory that will

agree to advertise the e-book on their web site or

e-zine. This will give them an incentive to give

away or advertise your e-book. For example, you

could say, "Get A Free Ad In Our Free E-book In

Exchange For Linking to Our Web Site!"

43 Allow other people to give away your free

e-book. This will increase the number of people

who will see your ad in the e-book. You could

also include a mini catalog of all your products or

services that you offer in the e-book. You could

include your own products or associate program’s

products in the e-book.

44 Gain new leads by having people sign up and

give you their contact information before they can

download your e-book. This is a very effective

way to conduct market research. For example,

you could get their first and last name, e-mail

address, web site address, mailing address, etc.

45 Make money selling advertising space in your

e-book. You could charge for full page color ads,

classified ads or banners ads. You could also

trade advertising space in your e-book for other

forms of advertising. For example, you could say,

"Promote Your Business In Our Free E-book For

Only ($). It's been downloaded over 5000 times!"

46 Give away the e-book as a gift to your current

customers as a way of letting them know you

appreciate their business. Place an ad in the e-book

for a new back-end product you're offering. For

example, you could say, "We Are Giving You This

E-book As A Way To Say Thanks For Being One

Of Our Most Loyal Customers."

47 Get free advertising by submitting your e-book

to freebie and freeware/shareware web sites. This

will increase the number of people who will download

your e-book and see your ad. Those web sites

already attract a lot of people that are on the look-out

for quality free items.

48 Make money by selling the reprint rights to

those who would like to sell the e-book. You could

also make even more money by selling the master

reprint rights. This would allow other people to sell the

reprint rights. You could also include your ads in

the e-books. Every time someone reads it or sells one,

you'll get exposure.

49 Hold a contest on your web site so people

can win your e-book. You'll get free advertising

by submitting your contest ad to free contest or

sweepstake directories. You could also offer

the reprint or master reprint rights as a price so

your e-book spreads all over the Internet with your

ad in it.

50 You will gain valuable referrals from people

telling others about your e-book. Word-of-mouth

advertising can be very effective. For example,

how many times have you bought something

because one of your friends or family members

recommended that you buy it?

51 Make money cross-promoting your e-book

with other people's products or services. This

technique will double your marketing effort

without spending more time and money on your part.

For example, you could package your business

e-book with a search engine submission service.

52 Increase your e-zine subscribers by giving

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It would be good if you edited this for layout and presentation as it is a bit difficult to read.
