In creating your online business, the beginning is always difficult for search engines to know what you are up to. They do not know what your business is all about.

As you continually develop your website, the search engines will begin to trust you. You are able to attain this by giving quality contents and helpful information to your visitors. Keeping them engaged also allows search engines to recognize your website contents and thus, trust you in turn.

Your goal is to increase your Site Trust percentage.

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colin3000 Premium
Thanks for putting this together--very helpful!
betcha Premium
You're welcome, Colin. I'm glad is is very helpful to you. How is your site health? Keep moving on until your get what you hope for. Blessings ~Betcha
colin3000 Premium
"Site Health is Getting Better" -- still not indexed though. I guess this will happen on its own eventually, or else it's later on in the training.
betcha Premium
You're doing great! It takes a little while to be indexed. Just be patient and keep on with all the training. If you can, review some of the lessons and check what else needs to be done on your website. Have a great week!
johnwnewman Premium
Great tutorial, very interesting!
betcha Premium
Thanks for dropping by, John.
Jovestone Premium
Thanks for this betcha! Good tutorial! Yes, I agree that it's important to check the site health from time to time. That side trust is the hardest to get going...
betcha Premium
Thanks, too, Tarja. Nice to hear from you. It's true that our websites need to mature so that we can gain site trust. It can take time but we will get there soon. I believe we are on our way. Cheers!
jsorenson Premium
Great tutorial, betcha! Do you know how long it takes to gain some "Site Trust?" My websites are listed as "awesome," but have 0% site trust so far. :(
upsgirl Premium
Click on Site Trust. You will find the criteria. The time does vary, when it comes to Comments.
jsorenson Premium
betcha Premium
Hi Jillian, thanks dropping by. I believe gaining site trust can take some time depending on how well you build your website. Since your website is still new, keep on doing everything that our WA training shows us to do. I'm sure you will gain site trust as your website matures. Blessings on everything that you do.
Lunaria Premium
Thanks for sharing :)
betcha Premium
You're welcome, Lunaria. How are you doing? Feel free to keep in touch.
Lunaria Premium
I'm sleepy thanks. I just got in not too long ago from work :)
How are you doing?
Will do!
betcha Premium
We just have to be patient. I am sleepy as well. Lol. I didn't get to sleep cause I have an assignment due today. I still have to go to work and write some blogs! But this is temporary. The best is yet to come! Let's keep moving forward!