Here is that story:

I covered all four of the W's in this effort. It is really a natural happening as we take action.

This is a true story that just happened. One of my partners and I went out to Louisiana State University (LSU) to put flyers on bulletin boards in the different buildings where classes are held. Because it was spring break, it was very easy to do.

As we walked the campus, we saw a student in front of the student union.We need to find the LSU library so we could put our flier there. So, I asked him did he know where the LSU library was, because we wanted to put our flyers there.

As I told him what we were doing, I handed a flyer to him. He took it and started looking at it. As he was looking at it, I said do you know anyone who might want to be a writer? Now, he was looking at the top of the flyer that said WANTED ---WRITERS--He then said, "Yes." I said, "Good" the flyer is self explanatory on how to contact me. I then thanked him. He thanked me as well and departed.

The next day we received an email from one man,. I am not sure if it was him or some other man. I did send him the link to WA. I will update about him as it happens.

If anyone needs help on any thing to do with the whole subject just PM me. Please do leave your general questions below so we all can benefit from the thread.

I like the old days when I would stand on a corner downtown baton rouge when I was 15 years old and sold news papers. I love saying EXTRA EXTRA READ ALL ABOUT---Get THE WHOLE STORY RIGHT HERE.

Extra Extra--->I will be releasing a lesson next month about the BIG four W's from above and sharing more of the ways to utilizing it all, because curiosity is behind all four.By taking these four and adding curiosity gives you the total power of curiosity when acted upon.

1 - Why to ask? 2 - Where to ask? 3 - When to ask?4 - What to ask? PLUS CURIOSITY

Learn to give it out and receive it in your life. Write it in your pages, blog post,emails and learn to put it in your conversations. Your value will increas as others increase.

Here is a BIG tip---->"Just forget about making money and practices doing it. You will gain experience and it will become natural and second nature to you.This applies to all things."

Author Coach Ed Cronin

Coach Ed



PS. - Here is list of my training that came before this one. By going back and looking over each one you will know how we end up with this one. ( THE SEVEN STEPS )

1-- learn-what-the-power-of-the-word-curiosity-is

2 - the-answer-to-do-you-want-to-know-the-wrong-and-right-way-to-satisfy-curiosity

3 - learn-to-stay-curious-by-wanting-more-of-what-you-need-to-know

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rrphill Premium
In the comment just after point 3, I am not 100% sure I understand it correctly.
the sentence; These first three make up the foundation {and the next three (is walls but the roof.)} The part or parts I don't understand are in brackets. Do you actually mean; "but not the roof"?

As I read on that is what it appears you are trying to tell me. Is my thinking correct.
Lemm Premium
I interpreted the words in brackets to mean:

"the next three steps are the walls, except for the roof"
CoachEd Premium
Thanks Randy I see what your saying --I did fix it so it is easy too understand. I hope it is clear now --
CoachEd Premium
Hi Lemm, yes your right and I did see what Randy meant, so I corrected it to read better.

Maricel Premium
Very informative. Great post..
CoachEd Premium
Thanks -- I hope it helps you.
tntgoodrich Premium
I'm so getting into my website and WA now that I'm curious about what is going to happen from moment to moment. It may have happening organically, but your blog helped me recognize it and be on the watch for it, AND perhaps even jolt myself into a more curious state of mind. Thank you Ed.
CoachEd Premium
Hey Tina, thanks and that is one of the benefits of it all, getting our mindset right about the whole subject. Thanks for your --in put here and there--you know what I mean !!!(:-)

See-ya later on the inside.
softwind Premium
Wow! Coach Ed, you made me feel like I was back in one of my college classes! How refreshing a journey through your words were! Thank you so much for sharing all of this incredibly valuable information with all of us! ~~~Sharon
CoachEd Premium
Your very welcome and thanks for your kind words--hope it helps you make good income that is honest income ---The subject is use by bad people to do bad things.
Trialynn Premium
Thanks Coach Ed, for finally giving us the answers to the question you asked a while ago. You were just making us practice our curiosity, eh?
You are a great and treasured teacher!
CoachEd Premium
Thanks for those kind words --If it did --it a good thing I hope --Hey I will see you later on here maybe tonight.

You are a great player to coach--people must be coach-able

Coach Ed.
Trialynn Premium
I will be on later this evening! Be glad to chat!