You already have set a Nook Press account! So it is time to take the first step, which is to upload your manuscript file!
You can also start writing your book immediatly using your account just by choosing start writing!
The supported file types are: .epub, .doc, .docx, .modi, .odt. If you don't have an ePub file. Once uploaded, you can edit the text in the Manuscript Editor, invite collaborators to read your manuscript, and preview the NOOK Book as it will appear on NOOK.The size of your file can't exceed 25 MB.
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Thank you for sharing this training, Rebecca. I have a question about self-publishing. When I go to self-publish my e-book, will I be able to self-publish at all the vendors. I thought I read somewhere that some vendors won't let you publish if you have your e-book published else where?