Where do I apply?

Always try to find the name of the contact person at each organization.

It will be important later!

First go online and look at a scholarship search engine. When you have finished finding the place/s to contact then contact any and ALL of them. You will also want to contact the businesses that manufacture the products that you use in your hobbies, pastimes, odd jobs etc. As an example do you play Volleyball? Contact ANY companies that make Volleyballs, the nets, the kneepads, tennis shoes, uniforms, hair clips, tape for your fingers, arm and wrist braces etc. Who knows, you may actually be the first student to ask a business for a scholarship and although they may have never offered a scholarship in the past this may have been a very good year for them or possibly the topic has come up at a recent board meeting to help boost their market presence, whatever but when your request comes before their board at the right time and you are awarded their FIRST “annual” scholarship.


What happens if they have met their quota for the year?

Always get an application! And then request to be put in the mix for the next award process! Most of the time you will apply at least once a year and there are those places where you will need to apply once a semester.

Remember you are going to school for at least four years, usually. You must look ahead.

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kasage00 Premium
Thanks for sharing!
apearce56 Premium
Thanks for sharing.
reanna1 Premium
Great training, Carl! Thanks for sharing!
gs1954 Premium
I like this, great way of marketing.Every website owner needs to get business cards too, for marketing purposes(offline).
MKearns Premium
A great training Chappy! Resume enhancement is essential for your credibility!