What should I do after I have applied and am waiting?

This is actually where the real fun begins.

What I mean is that this is where you really start to make the process personal, making each application yours and MARKETING YOURSELF!

Choose your two favorite colors. One will become your paper, postcard* and envelope color and one will become your ink color.

You will need to order some pens; a “Bic” style pen works fine. There are many pen companies out there to pick from and they seem to always have some type of special in order to get new business - so do shop around for the best price. Once you have found the best prices order about 50 – 100 dependent upon where the price break is then have your name and phone number printed on the barrel of the pens in you paper color and then have the cap be you ink color.

This will become a very large marketing tool as you go through the scholarship process and you will use this again when you go to get a job.

One of the nice things about computers is that it makes home publishing easy.

As an example we’ll say you want to go into Engineering but you are also a really good basketball player. Simply take a *post card (your color) and place a picture of your type of engineering on the front/main side as a background image and on the flip side use a picture of a basketball player as a background image. This way when you send out updates people will start to see your brand.

What to do when the application arrives?

When you get an application from someone you make a copy on to your colored stationary that has the background pictures already on it and now the application has been personalized.

Now simply fill it out and send it back your special way.

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kasage00 Premium
Thanks for sharing!
apearce56 Premium
Thanks for sharing.
reanna1 Premium
Great training, Carl! Thanks for sharing!
gs1954 Premium
I like this, great way of marketing.Every website owner needs to get business cards too, for marketing purposes(offline).
MKearns Premium
A great training Chappy! Resume enhancement is essential for your credibility!