Most standard keyboards have a 'Print Screen' key. This is usually at the top, right of the keyboard. The 'Print Screen' key is sometimes labeled 'PrtScn' or something similar.

If you press the 'Print Screen' key, a copy of what you see on your screen will be made. If nothing happens when you press the 'Print Screen' key, that's OK, the copy has still been made.

To open the Windows 7 Paint application do the following:

Click the Windows 7 Start button and select 'All Programs'.

Select 'Accessories', and then click Paint.

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EKautz Premium
Thanks Doug. I've been doing this for quite some time and for some reason my screen shots always seem fuzzy once I put them in my WA blog ... have you run into this or do you have thoughts why this may be happening? I see your shots are nice and crispy. :)

electrobot Premium
Hi EKautz. I've noticed if the size (dimensions) of my saved screenshots are large, WA will "shrink" them down when I add them to a blog. Shrinking them keeps them looking the same. If I have a relatively small screenshot, the WA blog might try to stretch the screenshot, which will result in a fuzzy image. I think that is what is happening. Beyond that, I'm not exactly sure. Let me know if that helps. :)
EKautz Premium
Doesn't the dimension of the screenshot stay the same size no matter when you use it, or are you talking about the "Cropped" size?
electrobot Premium
Hi EKautz. You are right. Cropped size is what I am referring to. My bad.
EKautz Premium
Cool man, thanks for the update. I guess bigger is better after all.

Yenomym Premium
Thanks. I bookmarked this. Good stuff.
Loes Premium
I would suggest an extra page to show how to add lines, arrows and squares:)
EKautz Premium
That's a great point Loes.

Quick question ... does anyone use OneNote to prepare blogs? If so how do you get the lines and arrows to move with the images over to the actual blog in WA?


Loes Premium
No, I don't use that program
EKautz Premium
Thanks Loes, I never know what you have in the kitchen so it never hurts to ask. :)


Dmorrow Premium
I use one note sometimes, but I've never needed to move lines and arrows, just different sections of text used as reference.
EKautz Premium
Yep, one of the lesser know Windows features, and I've not met many folks that even knew "print screen" was a keyboard button much less what it does .... it does NOT print to your printer. lol

Brookline Premium
Thank you Good training item. I have a copyrighted photo I would like to make use of ... If I crop this as per your instructions could I still use this? Is it not longer a copyright item?
I've tried the method for tables created in MS word but does not seem to work for this particular item.... just get a white screen.... any thoughts would be appreciated.
Denverlowe Premium
I know Google has a feature that let's you know if you can use a pic af all or if y po u edit it. While you're in images, the menu options will make it clear of the use allowed while sorting.
I hope this helps. I'm not at my laptop so can't tell you exactly what to do but there is a training here in the community that will explain to. I
electrobot Premium
Hi Denverlowe. Let me know if this is helpful:
electrobot Premium
Hi Brookline. Who owns the copyright?
Brookline Premium
Copyright is given as a private photographer based in is one amongst hundreds. I just wish to use part of it to be placed into a post of mine.

Any clues about capturing the MS table?
electrobot Premium
Hi Brookline. You should probably reference the copyright information somewhere. What do you mean by 'MS table'?
WBurton Premium
LOL I didn't even know I had Paint..:) Thanks Buddy. Boy am I dumb LMAO William :)