Author Marlinda1
Rank 441

Hey there!

It's Marlinda and today's training is a request from LouisaB. Thanks for the request girl!

Her question was that she wanted to know how to record her computer screen so that she can make her own training videos. Creating videos is the way to go as far as I'm concerned.

People would rather watch videos than scroll through endless text to learn how to do something on the computer.

Be sure to watch the above video which explains the tools that I use and some other useful information you'll need to know before starting. Here's the list:

  • Screencast-o-matic
    • I only used this to record what I record. It's free so it might be a good place to start if your budget doesn't include video recording software. No worries, we all have to start somewhere ~_^
    • Here's the link:
  • Cyberlink PowerDirector Media Suite 15
    • This comes with everything. Video and sound editing as well as screen recording and lots of other cool features. I use this for everything and find it's very straightforward compared to a lot of other packages.
    • Here's the link:
  • The mic I use is the USB Microphone,Fifine Plug &Play Home Studio USB Condenser Microphone. I do not use any special equipment but you can if you want. However, this mic produces a nice clean sound which is the most important part. People are more likely to click away from your video if it has bad audio than bad video.

In the next video, I'm going to show you how to produce your video once you've finished the recording stage.

If you have any questions, comments, requests or other feedback, please leave them in the comments box below. Also, if you screencast, please share your methods and tips with us so that we can help each other grow :)

See you in the next video.

To learn how to edit your screencast, click here:

If you're looking for more site and business building training, take a look at some of my other training here:

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subcpo14 Premium
Thanks for proving a list of tools to look at. Jay
Marlinda1 Premium
You're welcome Jay :)
MichalB Premium
Hi Marlinda,

how do you add the music in the background ?
Is that option available with "screencast-o-matic" as well ?

Also, I`ve noticed that these kind of music is widely used in tutorial videos or help videos by google for example.
Does this sort of music have any name or does it belong to some specific group ?

Anyways, thanks a lot for the video.
Marlinda1 Premium
Great questions Michal.

In my next video, I'm going to be showing you how to edit the video once it is recorded. For this, you'll need a video editor.

Screen-o-matic is not an editor. It's just for screen capture. I use the video editor listed in the above training.

You are right. These songs are widely used in videos. I use a site called You can use their music for free as long as you disclose where you get the music either in the credits or on the video.

Which reminds me that I have to do that in these videos. Some are free and some are paid.

This type of music is called 'royalty-free' music. Search for 'royalty-free music' and tons of results come up.

If you want free music, search for 'free royalty-free music'. You can do the same with sound effects.

Another site I used to use was (I believe its a dot com). They have sound effects and just about any other sound you'll need. It's paid but another good resource.

Hope this helps :)
MichalB Premium
Cool stuff Marlinda1.

Great, it definitely helps.

Thank You for the info.

CarlFriedman Premium
Yes, you can add music with screencast-o-matic. I know because I just checked the software. How you do it, I don't know because I have yet to learn. Maybe Marlinda will explain that in Part II.
brichnow21 Premium
What comes, out as, questions...fodder for new material!!'ll be busy!! Joy! Joy!
MKearns Premium
A most powerful way to market. Thank you Marlinda!
Marlinda1 Premium
You're welcome :) I'm glad you found value in this information
BradB18 Premium
Thanks Marlinda, I much prefer to watch a good video straight to the point demonstrating a product rather than reading about it.
Marlinda1 Premium
You're welcome Brad :) I find it helpful especially with training to see it being done in video too. I'm glad you found value in this information.
creativegift Premium
Thank you for posting this. It is very helpful for creating videos. But I do take exception to one thing that you said: "People would rather watch videos than scroll through endless text to learn how to do something on the computer."

People have different circumstances (working in an office where they cannot use sound) as well as different learning preferences. I, and many others in my industry membership group, hate videos as they usually take too much time to watch, We prefer reading over watching and listening even if it is long endless text.

I'm writing this comment, not to put down videos as many people prefer them but to say that you need to reach people who learn in various ways. If you just use videos or webinars, you will lose many potential customers.
Marlinda1 Premium
Yes, people like to read but video is fast overtaking written content. There's no denying that. It wouldn't make sense to only have video obviously hence we build a site as the main source and video as the supplemental content. I didn't say to not write content.

However, like it or not people's attention spans are getting shorter due to technological advances and they don't want to read. Older generations that grew up reading like to read more than the younger generations that largely prefer to watch video even if they still read some of the content. Hence a good way to improve your bounce rate is to add a video. Again, this is not all-inclusive. And it's not a shot at calling anyone 'old' either.

And its also not saying that ALL people don't like to read. I also like to read. My daughter who is only 2 likes to read but from a marketer's standpoint, you have to look at the audience you're targetting.

If you think your audience won't get value from video then don't create video. You're the one missing out on the potential audience, not me.

Hope this makes sense :)
creativegift Premium
Just read your response that ended with "If you think your audience won't get value from video then don't create video. You're the one missing out on the potential audience, not me."

You totally missed the point of my post with that snide remark.. Videos, along with webinars, snapchat, facebook live, etc. are just additional marketing tools. They can be very valuable depending on your goal and what you are marketing. If you are trying to teach something, they can be very valuable . But that is not true of every thing you are doing online.

And us "old people" are not the only ones who are turned off by videos. My own industry group consists of people from their late 20's all the way up to their 70's and most would never use a video to sell their products. When people are looking for a gift basket, they don't want to see a video of you putting it together. All they are interested in is seeing what the basket looks like, what is in it, the price, and how much it will cost to get it to their receipient.

If I am teaching someone how to create a gift basket, a video can be very valuable. I say once again, use them if they serve a valid purpose. If not, then you will just turn your market off and lose them to the next company.
Marlinda1 Premium
Actually, you're incorrect. My little video marketing radar just went through the roof to hear that you are doing gift baskets. You will attract more people by showing them how you make baskets because it shows your expertise. You will also attract people by sharing gift baskets for different occasions. Omg, you have so many options I'm literally getting excited just thinking about it, lol! Why would you not do video is beyond me. I understand less what you're talking about.

There are tons of people on YouTube that do DIY stuff like putting gift baskets and packages together. Not all videos are meant to sell. You should look up Savvy Sexy Social or just read her book about making money with 'vlogging'. I forget what the girl's name is but it should come up on Amazon or YT.

You'll see it one day or if not someone else will or does. I'm not going to debate back and forth about this because at the end of the day the choice is YOURS to make. YOU ARE the one missing out whether you like it or not. I'm not being 'snide' I'm just delivering facts. You really are missing out and I could hit my head on my desk if it would make this info get through your offensiveness. I'm not sure what else to say.