Author Marlinda1
Rank 441

Hey there!

This is Part 2 of my Screencasting training series. If you haven't watched it already, here is Part 1: Tools You Need:

This lesson is all about editing your raw screen capture videos. I don't want to make it too complicated with writing so the best thing to do is watch the video.

If you are wondering what programs and tools I use, make sure that you checkout Part 1 where I explain this is more detail.

If you have any questions, comments or other feedback, please leave them in the comments box below. Also, share any tips that you have for us about video editing or editing your raw screen captures.

To learn how to upload your video to YouTube and/or Wealthy Affiliate, click here:

If you're looking for more training, I have some more that you can checkout here:

Hope this helps and see you next time. In Part 3 I'm going to be showing you how to upload your video!


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Recent messages
LouisaB Premium
Marinda, thank you for delivering part 2.
Very simplistic. I look forward for part 3
Of your next tutorial.

Again, Thank you!
Urolin1981 Premium
Marlinda, Indeed, helpful so thanks for sharing. Much appreciated.

Best, Chin-Ti
CarlFriedman Premium
You make it look doable. You inspire me to give it a try. Thanks for the video.
NickV1 Premium
Thanks for sharing:)
phakacha8 Premium
This is great my friend. thanks for taking your time to share this.