The reason that the second method is not used is because all the revised files are reset and overwritten every time you have an update for that theme. It is not recommended that you revise the files in your theme directly. There is another way. Create a child theme off of your chosen theme. There is a training in Wealthy Affiliate titled "How To Create A Child Theme in Wealthy Affiliate“ by rob3. This training will show you how to create a child theme.

Once the child theme is created you will find the areas in you parent theme as you did with the second method mentioned on the previous page. You can use the search word “hyphen” to find all sections in the style.css file in your parent theme. Only change those sections that have the properties of “auto”. For example, in my theme the following section needs to be changed:

.widget {    color: #707070;    color: rgba(51, 51, 51, 0.7);    -webkit-hyphens: auto;    -moz-hyphens: auto;    -ms-hyphens: auto;    hyphens: auto;    margin: 0 auto 9.09090%;    width: 100%;    word-wrap: break-word;}

Do not change the style.css file in your parent theme. Instead enter the revised entries in the style.css file that you created in the child theme as follow:

.widget {    -webkit-hyphens: manual;    -moz-hyphens: manual;    -ms-hyphens: manual;    hyphens: manual;    word-wrap: normal;}

Notice that I did not enter the color, margins, etc because those items are not changed. I only entered the hyphens and word-wrap properties because they are the ones that will be changed. What this does is override the coding in the parent file of style.css with any entries in the child file of style.css. Therefore, whenever the parent theme is updated, the child files are not affected by the updates and the overrides will still be there. You will never have to worry about hyphenations again. If you should change your theme, then you will need to create a child theme again and make these same revisions in the code.

That should do it. You now have content that will not wrap with hyphens and will be much more attractive.

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marcelg Premium
Thanks for the instructions on how to overcome that particular problems. I haven't come across it yet, but at least I know WA will be my first search if it ever comes up and I will likely find this training again.
robmer Premium
You are fortunate to not have this problem. My content looked terrible with all the hyphinations. Whereas I could not find any solutions in WA, I researched the solution and then decided to share it with WA with a training post. There is no sense to have my fellow WA members to suffer from this problem also.