This method was the first method that I discovered which seemed easy enough. When you create a post or page, you go to the text tab to enter code while on the edit page. From there you can enter code. At the beginning of each paragraph, enter the following code:

<spanstyle="-webkit-hyphens: none; -moz-hyphens: none; -ms-hyphens:none; hyphens: none; word-wrap: normal;">

At the end of the paragraph, enter the following code:


This will override any hypen or word-wrap settings in the theme for the paragraph between the two sets of code.

I used this for a while, but every time I created a new page or post, I had to go and enter this code for all paragraphs on this new page or post. It got to be quite annoying. So I chose to look deeper into the problem for another solution.

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marcelg Premium
Thanks for the instructions on how to overcome that particular problems. I haven't come across it yet, but at least I know WA will be my first search if it ever comes up and I will likely find this training again.
robmer Premium
You are fortunate to not have this problem. My content looked terrible with all the hyphinations. Whereas I could not find any solutions in WA, I researched the solution and then decided to share it with WA with a training post. There is no sense to have my fellow WA members to suffer from this problem also.