Having a fast website is important. If your website takes a long time to load, your visitors will probably not hang around to find out whether your content is great or not. It doesn't matter if you have the best looking website on WA and write better blog posts than anyone else. If your website is slow, you are wasting your time.

So open up an Incognito window in Chrome or a Private Browsing window in Firefox and visit your website. Does it load quickly? it should load within a few seconds. Click around and view several posts/pages. Do they load quickly, or are you sat waiting for each page to appear?

Here are some things that are worth looking at:

If you're really struggling with a slow website, I recommend you go through my in-depth training about it:

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GaryHelm Premium
Excellent training. Short, understandable and right to the point.
Thank you Marcus.

Gary Helm
2Al Premium
Marcus, this is a great training and reminder. Thank you for sharing.
cmjwood Premium
Hi Marcus, This is great information to know. I will be saving this for future reference. Thanks for sharing! Cindy
Lady May Premium
Hi Marcus thx for this awesome training, you have brought some really good points to the table :)
ShanLeigh Premium
Thanks Marcus...very informative!

I just recently loaded chrome up on an old computer and I had no idea what open incognito was. hahaha So now I won't be afraid to open with it.
Saving this as a bookmark so I can come back to it easily.