Daily Routines - the Gold!

I truly believe that if you would like to change anything in your life then you need to change it on some level on a daily basis. The bonus here is, if you can do that, then all you need to then do is focus on your daily routine, rituals and habits (aside from your weekly, monthly, quarterly and annual check-ins) and before you know it you have achieved your goals, dreams and aspirations. Yes it is that simple. So let's go!

I use the words routine, rituals and habits because we all have daily rituals and habits that we are near unaware of because we have been doing them for so long. For example, negative self-talk - we all do it - it is just to what degree and how much we pay attention or energy to it.

I am going to share part of what I include in my daily routine and it is mine and works for me which means it may not suit you. I only include it to get you thinking about what you do on a daily basis. This is by no means to say this is how yours should be. I only ask, for you to observe what you are already doing on a daily basis and make changes according to what you want to achieve.

For me, I enjoy at some point of my day to (and not necessarily in this order):

  • Write in my journal, daily gratitude, highlights, challenges (to get out of my head) and an intention or affirmation
  • Listen to affirmations or visualise my ideal day
  • Short morning and evening meditations
  • Exercise
  • Tarot reading - this one I began when my life partner and I decided to split. This replaces talking things out with a partner. I still speak to close friends and family but it is working out to be a great temporary substitute while my situation is this way.
  • Connect in business - this is where WA is taking this role currently and I am loving it. As much as I give in this community, I receive 10 fold.
  • Write and follow a to do list of my top 6 priorities for each day and commit to completing No 1 before actioning No 2 (where possible of course). No 1 may become No 3 when you're waiting on a response from a 3rd party etc.

A word of warning: change only one thing at a time

I highly recommend only changing one or 2 things at a time. Once you have made the change across a month or 3 weeks and it is heading towards what you want then continue and review something else. But I would also only ever focus on 4 to 7 things at a time - I'm talking about the big overarching goals. I prefer 4 one for each broad area of life: health, work, relationships and wealth creation.

Take the time to review your daily rituals and habits and take back control by replacing or including the daily routines you choose to take you a step closer to your goals, dreams and aspirations and Let's Go!

Thank you for taking the time to read this training. I look forward to your feedback and comments.

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PBitzer Premium
You'd self imposed discipline is admirable. You gave me so much food for thought. Great training !
Thanks so much for sharing!
Pat B
fleurallen Premium
Thanks so much Pat, I love to share - I had the light bulb moment about this just only a few of years ago. I'm delighted you got so much from it - thanks for taking the time to read and consider.
TheDummyOfWA Premium
Great training about routines! :)
fleurallen Premium
Thanks Terry - it may not be 'sexy' but its oh so influential - thanks for taking the time to read
TheDummyOfWA Premium
You're very welcome! :)
abdul11 Premium
good training
fleurallen Premium
Thanking you Abdul, appreciate you taking the time to read and to comment - appreciated!
MKearns Premium
Great training. Steady as she goes Fleur!
fleurallen Premium
Thanks so much Michael!
DShensky Premium
setting goals and creating habits that you follow is what creates personal success
fleurallen Premium
Absolutely! And we are all Masters of our own Destiny so have the power to create change in all areas of our own lives