Monthly Routine and Goals

This is like a transition time period between annual and quarterly goals and weekly and daily tasks. Because the period of a month or 30 days you can both begin to see the results of your daily and weekly routines and still be able to shift and tweak to affect change on your quarterly and annual goals.

I particularly like this time period to check in on financial goals. I use weekly if implementing something new financially particularly a new cost such as a gym membership or an advertising campaign in business.

For example:

  • Health: This month I have increased more home cooked meals and weekly meal planning which as it happens improves finances as well as health! Nice!
  • Business: This is my first month to committing to really using my WA membership as an active participant as well as learning to use the resources and apply to my website.

So this is where the rubber hits the road - how about you? Have you set your Annual, Quarterly goals? Diaried them? Have you set a time each month to check in and review but also implement based on results of the past 30 days? Do share your experiences in the comments.

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PBitzer Premium
You'd self imposed discipline is admirable. You gave me so much food for thought. Great training !
Thanks so much for sharing!
Pat B
fleurallen Premium
Thanks so much Pat, I love to share - I had the light bulb moment about this just only a few of years ago. I'm delighted you got so much from it - thanks for taking the time to read and consider.
TheDummyOfWA Premium
Great training about routines! :)
fleurallen Premium
Thanks Terry - it may not be 'sexy' but its oh so influential - thanks for taking the time to read
TheDummyOfWA Premium
You're very welcome! :)
abdul11 Premium
good training
fleurallen Premium
Thanking you Abdul, appreciate you taking the time to read and to comment - appreciated!
MKearns Premium
Great training. Steady as she goes Fleur!
fleurallen Premium
Thanks so much Michael!
DShensky Premium
setting goals and creating habits that you follow is what creates personal success
fleurallen Premium
Absolutely! And we are all Masters of our own Destiny so have the power to create change in all areas of our own lives