Weekly Routines

This is where you can start feeling good about what you're achieving by actioning your disciplined daily tasks but also can make change if needed. For example, if what you thought might take a month to achieve and it's taken you only a week well, that changes everything doesn't it? Did you make a big enough goal? Can you sustain that level of commitment going forward?

Also, some things you just don't need to do daily, well depending on you personally. Such as weekly shopping for my health goal. I have committed to spending the weekends planning out my meals for the working week and preparing and cooking on Sundays at home. Which is great to make my week easier but also I love being at home on a Sunday with fewer strict time constraints as the working week imposes.

For business, I like to check statistics on new things such as ad campaigns etc initially on a weekly basis and once established check on a monthly basis. In one of my businesses, I check the financials because it uses a great number of small transactions and is easier to check up on quickly as a check-in on a weekly basis rather than monthly.

This highlights an important point. What you decide you track and respond too depends on you. Your personality, what you do and what your goals are. For example, if I was in a wedding party in the next 3 months then I may like to complete my goal in 3 months rather than 12 months. I know by October, I will be making decisions about one business and therefore will need to communicate these decisions in November therefore that might change how I'm working towards my business goal. Make sense?

If you have any questions please do reach out, I know this tutorial is not going to 'cover it all' on this topic. I am more than happy to answer individual questions.

Now for the final routine - daily routines - in my opinion this is the GOLD and most influential on your life - long and short term...

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PBitzer Premium
You'd self imposed discipline is admirable. You gave me so much food for thought. Great training !
Thanks so much for sharing!
Pat B
fleurallen Premium
Thanks so much Pat, I love to share - I had the light bulb moment about this just only a few of years ago. I'm delighted you got so much from it - thanks for taking the time to read and consider.
TheDummyOfWA Premium
Great training about routines! :)
fleurallen Premium
Thanks Terry - it may not be 'sexy' but its oh so influential - thanks for taking the time to read
TheDummyOfWA Premium
You're very welcome! :)
abdul11 Premium
good training
fleurallen Premium
Thanking you Abdul, appreciate you taking the time to read and to comment - appreciated!
MKearns Premium
Great training. Steady as she goes Fleur!
fleurallen Premium
Thanks so much Michael!
DShensky Premium
setting goals and creating habits that you follow is what creates personal success
fleurallen Premium
Absolutely! And we are all Masters of our own Destiny so have the power to create change in all areas of our own lives