Choosing a Product to Sell
This is the first step when starting any business, whether it is affiliate marketing, or you are becoming a merchant and developing your own product. One of the best ways to find a product to create or sell is to research online. It is best to find a niche that is “untapped” and receives high volume traffic. This is not always the easiest things and often times niches are found by accident. Because of this, we always suggest that you have pen and paper handy at all times so you can record any niches that you find.
One of the greatest examples of a product development success on Clickbank were the “Data Entry” products (although these were huge scams). There were large volumes of traffic search keywords like "data entry" and someone thought it would be a great idea to take advantage of this traffic and build a product around it. Before data entry products got shut down, they were bringing in $1000's day from people looking for a type-at-home job. Although we do not suggest or condone building an unethical product, this is the type of situation where someone walks into a niche and with some create marketing builds a product that is an instant success on Clickbank.
The following are some criteria that you can use to determine whether a product will be a “winner” before creating it:
- It Solves a Problem – Your product solves an everyday problem that has not been addressed before (or there is a limited number of products available to affiliates). OR it solves the problem in a unique way and is less expensive than traditional resolutions.
- It Makes Sense – People need to understand why your product is useful, and if you cannot deliver the benefits in an easy-to-understand manner, the product may not make sense.
- Innovative – Your product is delivering something that is completely unique and is a brand new concept. There is absolutely nothing like it on the market.
- It's Simple – A product that solves just one problem is often times the easiest type of product to explain. A more complex one may be difficult to explain and understand, thus resulting in lower conversions. This comes down to finding a niche or a sub-niche – a sub component of a larger industry.
- Appeal Factor – If your product looks good and is eye catching, your sales will be much greater. You may want to outsource some components of your product development to make it more appealing, such as the web design, e-book cover and the sales copy.
- Widespread Market – The larger the market for your product, the greater the business opportunity. Although this is the case, there are some very competitive industries that are inundated with products, but there are still many industries available that are widespread and have not been addressed.
- Year Round Market – The bigger the window of opportunity, the more room there is for earnings. It is best to take advantage of a market that is profitable year round rather than something that is limited to a short seasonal cycle.
- It Can Be Delivered Easily – Your product should be accessible via the Internet and preferably downloadable.
- The Quality of Your Product – If your product does not leave the person feeling that it was a created with quality in mind, you are likely to be succumb to a large refund rates. Build products of QUALITY!