As a member of the Wealthy Affiliate community, its highly likely that you will rarely need to use the method discussed on the previous page since Site Protect does exactly what it says on the tin! But what about those readers who what to put a downer on your day?
As bloggers, the content we create and the more reach we have, the more likely we are to come across negative or even abusive comments.
Here you have two choices. You can either block the user from ever getting a comment displayed on your blog by using the previous method. Or you can beat those negative naysayers at their own game...
You can read more training that I published here on Wealthy Affiliate about how to combat negative comments here...
How To Respond To Negative Comments On Your Blog
Lots of comments are a sign that you are on the right tracks, even if you get a few spam comments! In my opinion you should always try to keep as many comments as possible as they will boost your content and help you to climb the ranks of Google.
If you have any questions, please feel free to ask! I would love to hear from you if this training has helped you in any way or if you would like to share your experience of comment spam with us.
Please drop me a comment and I will get back to you ASAP!!
Have a great day,