Pin And Pin Again

You've now established your Pinterest page, the next phase is to search for posts for your boards and follow people who regularly post about this particular subject and pin to your relevant board. It really is that easy. You will find after a week you will start to build a following depending on how regular you pin.

I've been on Pinterest for roughly 4 months and as you can see I have gained quite a good following. One final thing before I leave, you may find that some members will ask if you would like to collaborate and this has the added advantage of more exposure for your website.

There really is no major mystery to Pinterest and it's a simple and effective way to gain traffic.

Happy Pinning my friends.

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2Al Premium
Gary, this training is informative. Thank you for sharing.
GaryHowell Premium
It's my pleasure and I find it enjoyable to give back to the community on here.
Judy-B Premium
I've been on Pinterest for awhile and have a few boards and some followers. I tried to pin one of my post from my website and it keeps saying oops there's no image there. Do you have any suggestions on why this happens and what I can do about it?

Thank you, Judy :)
GaryHowell Premium
Hi Judy what social plugin are you using? I've found that I've had to trial a few before I found the right one for me.
Judy-B Premium
Thanks for such a quick reply. I had to go look, it's Tweet, Like, Google +1 and Share. Is there one that is better?
GaryHowell Premium
At the moment I just use AddToAny social plugin, another factor I would consider it what Wordpress theme you are using and if that particular plugin is compatible.
Judy-B Premium
I just changed themes. I will look into the plugin you suggest. I also found BuddyPress that is a social media plugin. Thank you. :)
BarryJ Premium
I'll also bookmark this. I'm on Pinterest, but don't know really what I'm doing.
GaryHowell Premium
I'm happy to help if you need anything.
mjdimarco Premium
I have found Pinterest to be a very effective tool as well.
GaryHowell Premium
It is one of my favourites as there is a no none sense approach and very user friendly.
Sheila50 Premium
I will have to bookmark this one and go through it later today! I have been working a bit harder on Pinterest and will want to get any advice I can get.
GaryHowell Premium
Hi if you need any more information please feel free to message me or ask on here im always happy to help