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LouiseBT Premium
Thank you for sharing this training. I will bookmark it for when I get brave enough to upgrade my site and face Gutenberg :-)
DarkoL Premium
Ty Louise. I am very happy to get such a comment from TOP 50.
LouiseBT Premium
Thank you - as you will notice though, I am not highly experienced in this online business world (yet), I just work hard within the community which is how I got into Top 50. It just takes a lot of liking, responding, commenting, (what I like to call sharing & caring), blogging, questions, welcoming and helping where you can (which is limited for me right now, that will change with time).

So, being Top 50 is great, but you don't have to be a tech pro to achieve it - another feather in Kyle and Carson's caps, they level the playing field within the community :-)
DarkoL Premium
To be in top 50 must mean something. If you didn't work so much on yourself you must be great support to WA community, and you have made many people successful.