So now what?

Well, it really depends on what you want to achieve with your site.

If you're brand new to affiliate marketing/online marketing, I'd recommend that you buy a good site: existing traffic, unique content, some conversions. Start from there, it's much more cost effective than starting from scratch. Apply my content writing/marketing techniques to your site and watch the traffic come in.

If you're an experienced novice with a few sites, you can apply this to one of your sites with view to increasing its value and selling it for some cash. Or just keep it for the income, then rinse and repeat for more sites. Buy some sites with potential, apply and flip.

If you're an internet marketing master, hope you got a couple of tips or ideas from this post that will increase your net worth by a couple of million. Drop me a PM, we'll do some projects together.

Regardless of where you're at in your journey, I hope that you realize just how valuable and important owning websiteS are. Yes that S is intentional. The key to your website's value is traffic, content and conversions. Build up a couple of sites like that, and you could be sitting on the next 5 figure flip that will pay off your debts, take your business to the next level online or buy you a holiday for two in some exotic place.

Do talk to me when that happens. I want to hear your story.

Thanks for reading this. Do join in the conversation below!


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judu Premium
Thanks for the feedback! Here's to lots of visitors to your websites =)
Khairul Anwar Premium
Thanks Thad for your guide. It really does helps clear up my mind and start getting work done faster....


Don Cameo Premium
Thanks Thad for your guide. It really does helps clear up my mind and start getting work done faster....


caymen Premium
Wow! what else can I say!
Step up Premium
Wow! what else can I say!