I've learned a thing or ten since I wrote my 100 Articles A Month Formula, so if any of this is new to you then you'll definitely want to add it to your content writing arsenal:

1. Target keywords that have 500-3000 searches in a month, and ideally have less than 500 quoted results in Google.

2. Keywords in title, description, first sentence, and 2-4% density throughout article.

NINJA KEYWORD TECHNIQUE. Use your keyword in sub-headers. As I shared in 100 Articles A Month Formula, I add subheaders to break up text, and to boost keyword density. For example, if your keyword is "Hair Growth Tips" then you can have 3 subheaders of "Hair Growth Tips #1", "... #2" and "... #3". Sweet!

3. Write naturally and with personality! Just because it's keyword optimized doesn't mean it should be boring, so insert your personal experiences, humor, anecdotes, stories, examples, whatever! Communicate that you're a real person, and you'll get infinitely more shares and return visits.

4. Categories are HUGE! Make sure that you create categories based on keywords that categorize your article and have more than 10,000+ searches a month. The more articles you write, the more your category page itself will actually rank! So more traffic for you.

5. ALL IN ONE SEO. Enough said.

6. Tags are not as HUGE but still BIG. Aim for 5-10 tags of keywords related to your posts. These double up as your All In One SEO keywords.

NINJA KEYWORD TECHNIQUE 2: Google KW tool can tell you what keywords you should target. How? Once you've published your post, enter your post URL into the KW tool and it will tell you what keywords it thinks your post is best relevant to. No more guessing keywords!!

7. Insert nice pictures into your posts, and name the main featured picture after your main keyword (second picture after your secondary KW, and so on). For example, if your keyword is "Affiliate Marketing Secrets" then your file name should be affiliate-marketing-secrets.jpg and your Title & Description should be "Affiliate Marketing Secrets". This will give you more Google love.

8. NATURAL LINKING. No more 2 link per post limit. So go ahead and link your other relevant posts within your website (this will boost your site's overall rank), link your affiliate products/landing pages (but don't go overboard). Did I mention no more 2 link per post limit? YEAH

9. Go easy on the Adsense. They may allow you up to 3 spots per page, but I recommend one. Otherwise your rankings WILL be affected.

10. Link your articles in article directories back to your posts with the appropriate KEYWORD SPECIFIC ANCHOR TEXT BACKLINK. You can thank me later.

11. Create a posting schedule for yourself and stick to it. You'll rank much better with consistent effort than sporadic effort.

Now watch the traffic come in.

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judu Premium
Thanks for the feedback! Here's to lots of visitors to your websites =)
Khairul Anwar Premium
Thanks Thad for your guide. It really does helps clear up my mind and start getting work done faster....


Don Cameo Premium
Thanks Thad for your guide. It really does helps clear up my mind and start getting work done faster....


caymen Premium
Wow! what else can I say!
Step up Premium
Wow! what else can I say!