The next sheet within your Google Sheets you will create is Website Development. Using the same techniques I showed you for the first sheet, create a new sheet called Website Development. It will look something like the image below:

Once you have created your Website Development sheet, enter the following tasks of this category into Column A:

  1. Plug-Ins
  2. Write New Posts
  3. Check for broken links
  4. Keyword Research
  5. Edit Existing Content
  6. Apply New Knowledge
  7. Images
  8. Web Accessibility Standards
  9. New Affiliate Programs
  10. Google Adsense Ads
  11. Google Analytics
  12. Social Media Posting
  13. Feedback Follow Up

Column A of your Website Development Sheet will look the following:

A break down of what is included in each of the tasks listed above:

  • Install any needed plug-ins. Refer to my blog here:

  • Write new posts
  • Check for broken links anywhere on your site
  • Keyword research using the WA Keyword Tool or Jaaxy.
  • Edit your existing content. As you move through your training and become better at writing content, there will be a need to routinely re-edit your posts and pages.
  • Apply any new knowledge acquired through the training
  • Find copyright-free images that are safe to use
  • Apply web accessibility standards. Refer to my blog here

  • Look for new affiliate programs to pursue and apply for them
  • Update Google Adsense ads and add more (if needed)
  • Check your conversion rates and make necessary changes in your Google Analytics. Refer to my blog here on excluding your own IP address so not to confuse your actual visits:

  • Use social media outlets to grow your reach within the internet. Post new blog posts and updated pages to your social media networks such as pinterest, twitter, Google+, etc.
  • Follow up on any feedback given by other WA members

You are now ready to create your third category - On-Going Training

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Vikingo Premium
You surprise me every day...and I realize the looooong road ahead I must walk :) . Thanks
stephhill Premium Plus
Hi Alberto!

Don't become discouraged by the long road ahead. Take your time and enjoy the journey. I don't think there will ever be an end to any our journeys ahead. We'll always be in state of learning and improving. And we'll become better entrepreneurs as a result.

fricknwill Premium
Awesome. I lost my excel and have been looking for something like this.
stephhill Premium Plus
I stopped using Excel altogether because Google Sheets is as good if not better than Excel and you do not need to spend money on it, like you do Excel. Google Sheets is free and your files are always saved through your Google account, centralizing everything.
pinkabella Premium
Thanks for this I quite often find myself caught up in answering blogs and time slips by quickly and I realise I have accomplished nothing on my site or training but have gone up in rankings lol. Happy medium needed.
stephhill Premium Plus
Hi Jo!

I haven't heard from you lately. I know exactly what you mean - how do you think my ranking got so high so quickly? LOL! I have had to make time for my websites and other training. It is all about that healthy balance.

pinkabella Premium
I know I have had time out m son has not been well but hopefully things are back on track and the house is almost finished just painting to do.
AnteroM Premium
Great!!! Thanks for sharing.
stephhill Premium Plus
You are welcome.
Marianita Premium
I will look up google sheets never heard of it, and just got started with google account. Thank you Angel.
stephhill Premium Plus
Google Sheets is a useful tool to use. If you think it would help, I can create a tutorial on Google Sheets alone. Let me know if that would be helpful.