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I am still learning about these tools myself, but will happily add more training as I get to know them better.

This is Part 1 to my Market Research training, I hope you've enjoyed it. It would be lovely to know what you think, as this is the first training I have created for the WA community, and I am happy to receive questions and constructive criticism so that I can make any future trainings better.

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WiltonSantos Premium
Great training about market research

This one of most topics for a successful marketing career and a lot of beginners marketers don't spend time studying this subject. Thus, doing a lot of mistakes you mentioned and spending a lot of precious time.

Thanks TheMulcahys
AnnePyterek Premium
Excellent! I especially like the stuff about choice and value and not wanting money for money's. This is true for me too. I see it as a means to an end, not an end in itself.

Good job! Looking forward to more.
AnnePyterek Premium
Money for money's sake.
TheMulcahys Premium
No problem.

Happy to make money and earn a good living for me and my family, but after that... well I guess then I'd have to become philanthropic. I quite like the idea of angel investing ;) x
TheMulcahys Premium
Thank you.
LizPB Premium
Great training! Can't wait to see more of what you have to teach us ;-)
TheMulcahys Premium
Thank you Liz