
  • Answer Questions
  • Write a Post at WA
  • Create Training
  • Website Comments and Feedback
  • Follow Your Bookmarked Training

You have sorted out your emails, but there are a few other important things to do here at WA. Except for the 1 hour I allocate to my WA emails, I also allocate another hour to do important things at WA.

I am not able to do all the things mentioned below in an hour, but I rotate them daily. Finishing 1 at a time and then start from the top again. if it takes me days to do something from the list, So be it. An hour a day is all I have.

Here is a summary of what I think is important and why:

Answer Questions

Answer 1 or 2 unanswered questions. It is important to help others in the same way they are helping you when you ask questions. You might think you do not have enough knowledge to answer questions, but out there is someone you might be able to help.

I find unanswered questions here:

  1. Select "Activity Dashboard"
  2. Select "Activity" if it is not selected yet
  3. Select "Unanswered" &"Everyone"

From the image below you will see 2 options to answer questions. People who "asked question" and people who "needs help".

You can go down the list and make your selection. I don't answer questions older than 7 days old. There should not be any "unanswered questions" older than 7 days, but there could be people that"needs help" older than 7 days.

It happens often that there is nobody I can help. It is important to understand that if you comment on someone's question make sure you are able to help them. Otherwise, their unanswered question will be removed from this section.

For example, if you comment with something like "Sorry I cannot help you with your question, but I would like to see what others say". This is not helping the person and removes them from the unanswered section.

You don't always have to know or explain the answer in detail to help someone. You can search for relevant training at WA icw the subject, copy the link and post it to the comment section of the question.

Write a Post at WA

Write a helpful or informative post at WA once in a while. This will improve your confidence and writing skills.

Create Training

If you are a premium member and with WA for 3 months and longer, you will be able to create training.

This can be about anything you think will help others. This will also improve your confidence and writing skills.

Website Comments & Feedback

You can leave comments on websites and give feedback. In return, you will earn credits you can use to request comments and feedback for your website.

See below Site Comments and Site Feedback

Follow Your Bookmarked Training

Remember the new Training you have bookmarked for later. This is a good time to have a look at it.

This normally covers everything I need to do at WA.

Do you think anything else should be added to this list?

If you have any questions regarding any of the topics from this training, please let me know and I will help where possible:)

Thanks for reading this!

I hope you find this helpful and if so, please don't forget to press the GREEN BUTTON below.

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Recent messages
Kambas Premium
Great training here Rika and very useful.
My inbox is FULL of messages I don't want to delete, there is no way I can read and answer all the people I follow.
RikaSF Premium
Thanks Kamil. I clean out my inbox every day. What I don't delete I move to folders I have created for each group.
LouisaB Premium
Good information, and awesome training. Straight to the point.
RikaSF Premium
Thank you Louisa:)
JerryHuang Premium Plus
Thanks for sharing this great tip!
RikaSF Premium
My pleasure Jerry. Thanks for having a look:)
pablocortina Premium
Thank you for the lesson. I agree that the emails can use up a lot of time. Time management is essential
RikaSF Premium
My pleasure Pablo. Thanks for having a look. It is much appreciated:)
dgurtner Premium
Thanks for this training! It's perfect timing for me because I'm starting to get a lot of notification emails from WA. I've set up a filter in Gmail that keeps the notifications out of my inbox for now ;-)
RikaSF Premium
Thank you Daniel. You do not need the Gmail filters and can manage your notifications from WA.
You are welcome to ask me any questions on how to effectively use WA and have more time to spend on other things:)
dgurtner Premium
How many notifications would you say that you get on average every day?
RikaSF Premium
About 120 notifications per day and I only have 1100 followers. The more followers you have the more notifications.

The big time waster is how to decide what posts to attend to. In my training I show you how to reduce this dramatically and still give everyone a fair chance:)
dgurtner Premium
Yeah, I saw that. I like the way you think. It's totally random and everyone gets a fair chance like you said. I think I'll start implementing that as well... every 7th one. I don't have nearly as many followers but it makes sense to get into a routine early on.
RikaSF Premium
I try to give attention to 10 new blog posts a day. This means if I have 70 new blog posts, I only attend to 1 out of 7. If I have 50 new posts it will be 1 out of 5, etc:)
dgurtner Premium
Very good! Yeah, you'd be there all day if you'd be reading all of them... actually you probably would never get done lol