Schedule Internet Marketing Tasks in Your Calendar
Working on IM part time means that you must focus your efforts on the correct path.
Time is wasted when you cannot find the materials, passwords, or information that you need.
Create a system to organize your materials.
- Create an Internet Marketing Business Binder.
- Create a system to organize your computer files.
- Decide on a program for writing and saving your documents.
- Backup your work with Dropbox, SkyDrive, or Google Drive.
- Organize your tasks in a planner.
Below are a few resources on WA to help you get your workflow organized.
Create and Organize an Internet Marketing Business Binder
Organize Your Photos with Google’s Picasa
SEO Checklist Cheatsheet
Using Google Docs
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Great coverage of To Do's. It's hard when working other jobs, but truly believe it's in my interest until I have that income generating from online business.