I didn't like that font. It was boring! Highlight the text and choose another font. You can reposition the text until you like the look.

Let's see what options there are for changing the background on this "slide."

Okay, we can add a color or choose an image. Reset to theme won't do much since we chose a blank theme at the beginning of the project.

Here, I added a Pied Piper image to the background.

Wow! That's really ugly! It's too busy, and you can't read the text anymore. Go to the next page to see some changes we can make.

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davehayes Premium
Just exactly what I was looking for thanks for sharing this, unless I have missed it, how do you access the slides please?
KleeClay Premium
Just type "Google Slides" into the search bar and Google will happily take you there. You need to be logged into your Google account to use it.
davehayes Premium
Thanks for your reply, I did re~read it again in case I missed something I type in Google Slides, but got taken to my own drive, which i was logged into at the time

I'll re#try it
davehayes Premium
Okay, I obviously did something wrong last time!... just re did and got the page, which is noiw bookmarked

Thanks for your help!
KleeClay Premium
Check the "waffle" -- the little icon with 9 tiny squares near the search bar. I used to have Slides on it, but now I don't and have to search. Google controls what's on the waffle -- to my frustration.