Let's Find Out How This Tutorial Came About

I found a nifty tool, by clicking on the question mark!

I was assisting a fellow member and stumbled upon this, as the issue was that there are onlyBasic Formatting Features available in WordPress Editing feature.

What I had discovered was that if you click on the Toolbar Toggle, it opens another menu beneath the current toolbar menu.

Now at the end of those toolbar menus,there is a question mark, so I click on that and…

Voila! I found a whole lot of shortcuts!

Now that we know how this Tutorial Came About, let's See The Shortcuts!

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jth99 Premium
This a perfect thing to print out and paste or set up next to your screen till you learn it by heart.
TopAchiever Premium
So true! Happy you are able to make good use of it!
jth99 Premium
thanks. Most of those sortcuts are universal and i know, but the paragraph ones are great.
Dgegegegwg Premium
Nice! I had no idea there were shortcuts.
TopAchiever Premium
It is great to know, it gives us a better look and feel in our blogs, posts and pages.
olivingstone Premium
Fab stuff, thanks for sharing. olive
TopAchiever Premium
You're most welcome Olive!
Judy-B Premium
Very helpful, needed this yesterday, but now I have it. Thank you. One to bookmark for sure. :)
TopAchiever Premium
Sorry Judy, wasn't able to access during the day yesterday. But yes, now you have it! Hope you can use it in the future too.
Judy-B Premium
Oh, for sure. I just had a part where I couldn't go back, couldn't delete, it was kind of annoying. I was finally able to find the delete and just started over. Wasn't much to re-do thankfully. :)
krazykat Premium
I'll remember to come to you when I'm stuck :-)
TopAchiever Premium
No problem, you do that! :-)