I received my first rejection within minutes of applying. My first acceptance came about 15 minutes later. Others took a few days to come through.

The rejections aren’t very informative, unfortunately. It is possible that some of them are following Amazon’s example and boycotting certain states over disagreements with sales tax collection laws. Maybe your site doesn’t come up high enough on a search engine yet. Or maybe the name of your site just reminds someone of their mother-in-law and they never even looked. The fact is, they are not the only fish in the sea! If you receive a rejection, you probably didn't want to work with them anyway. Keep applying to other advertisers whose products fit your target demographic.

You’ll start seeing these in your email inbox soon, though:

Dear Successful Marketer:
Congratulations! Great Company has approved your marketing Channel, CoolStuff.com, into their Affiliate Program.

Now you've gone through the process of applying for your first affiliate program through LinkShare! Next, I'll show you how to put the links onto your site.

Happy Marketing!


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AmbitiousAce Premium
They're asking for my social security number, should I give it to them ?
danesrvnn Premium
Who is asking? Some Affiliate Programs need it for tax purposes, especially if you are the "Owner" of your company, which in this case you are, then they will need it for the W-9.
AmbitiousAce Premium
Linkshare and I'm applying to be an affiliate.
danesrvnn Premium
idk. I never read this article before I signed up with them. I signed up with all the affiliate programs on impulse because it was in the training. I gave them my SSN.

After I signed up with them, and researched their products, they didn't offer anything that I wanted on my site, so I don't even use them.

I won't have any income through them, so I don't have to worry about them when tax time comes.
KleeClay Premium
Yeah, you should. At least if you ever want to be paid. :-) I know it feels really weird to be giving that out on the internet, but in this case it's like applying for a job. There is certain information they need in order to pay you.
msdj8163 Premium
BEWARE OF OBTAINING EIN. Do not obtain an EIN until you begin earning money. If you obtain an EIN and make no money, you will need to file a tax return. There are various classifications when applying for an EIN. If you are incorporated and select the incorrect EIN classification, you will have issues with the IRS. Talk with a tax professional before applying for an EIN. Debbie
Alex24 Premium
Thankful for this tutorial. I guess I would have to get an EIN then? I say it was optional so I left it out. I am not given a SSN option because of my geographical location . Not familiar with those kinds of things at all. Never dealt with taxes before so I am abit stuck on those parts.
msdj8163 Premium
It would be best to call a tax professional for assistance. Debbie
Alex24 Premium
ok cool thanks will do
Karyskis Premium
Great tutorial. Thank you!
KleeClay Premium
You're welcome! I hope this makes things easier for people. :-)
mahinthan20 Premium
thanks for the training and I am not in that position yet but it will be useful for me in the future
KleeClay Premium
You will be soon! It's exciting when you realize that yes, you really can make money doing this, and you take that step to get an affiliate. Keep at it!