Earned media; any publicity gained through digital word-of-mouth or other free online promotional methods; e. g. comments, mentions, shares, etc..

Earning per click (or EPC); the average amount earned every single time when someone clicks your affiliate link. If 100 clicks generated a $25 profit, your EPC is 25 cents.

Email client; a desktop application used to receive, read, compose, send and manage electronic mails.

Engagement rate; social media metric used to measure the interaction level – shares, likes, tweets, comments – received or generated by a given content.

ESP (or email service provider); an entity that provides tools and services that enables marketers to send out electronic mails.


Favicon (or favorite icon); a small, 16×16 or 32×32 image – usually in PNG, ICO or GIF format – associated with a website and displayed in the address bar or the tab of the web browser.

Feeder sites; a website or web page created specifically to generate traffic to another website using redirects.

Flash (or Adobe Flash); interactive media technology used to create web content that combines animation, sound and video. Search engines can’t index a Flash content directly, therefore is bad for SEO.

Foursquare; location-based discovery service used to find local places and experiences.

Frame; HTML technique used to divide the browser window into multiple sections (frames) in order to display different HTML documents (basically web pages ) in each section. The result (different content and multiple pages associated with the very same URL) is confusing for search engines and they might not index the “divided” page at all.

Friction; any kind of web page element that is distracting or confusing for visitors, causing them to leave your website.

Frontend; the publicly visible and accessible content of a website.

FTL; For the Loss; the opposite of FTW and a quick way to show disappointment.

FTP (or file transfer protocol); a two-way network protocol used to transfer data (files) between a local computer and a web server.

FTW; For the Win. The opposite of FTL and a quick way to show appreciation and enthusiasm.

FWIW; For What It’s Worth.


Geo-targeting; targeting visitors, leads and customers exclusively from a specific country or geographical area.

Geo-tagging; the practice of tagging a message, photo, or video with a specific location.

Google AdWords; advertising service which places relevant, keyword-targeted advertisements on the search results pages alongside the organic search results (usually on the top).

Google Analytics; complex and literally vital free service provided by Google, used to generate detailed website stats, conversion reports, etc.

Grey hat; a mixture of white hat and black hat SEO (and online marketing) techniques.


Heat map; a visual two-dimensional color-based representation of where visitors focus on a given webpage.

.htaccess; hypertext access file that allows you to manage the web server configurations.

HTML (or Hypertext Markup Language); a standardized coding language used to create web pages and web applications; the final code is a set of markup symbols – elements and tags – compiled in one file intended for display on a WWW browser page.

HTTP (or HyperText Tranfer Protocol); communication protocol used to connect to web servers on the internet or on a local network. Its primary function is to establish the connection with the web server and to send the HTML pages back to the user’s browser.

HTTPS (or HyperText Transfer Protocol Secure); a secured communication protocol used to connect to web servers on the internet or on a local network. Basically is an HTTP protocol which uses a secure socket layer (SSL) to encrypt the link between the server and the browser.

Hyperlink (or link); a clickable, usually highlighted text or image used to send or redirect a user to a different page or website.


IMHO; In My Humble Opinion.

IMO; In MY Opinion.

Inbound marketing; in contrast to the traditional advertising-based outbound marketing methods, inbound marketing is focusing on attracting customers via SEO, content creation and social media.

Infographic; a highly visual and easily understandable representation of information, data or knowledge. Usually is one bigger image containing various graphical elements accompanied by minimal text.


Keyword; a relevant word or phrase that has been defined by the website developer to describe the essential content of a given web page. Is used by search engines to locate and categorize webpages that match a given search query.

Keyword research; the practice of finding, researching alternative search terms that people enter into search engines while looking for a similar topic or subject.

Key performance indicator (or KPI); metric used to evaluate a certain – quantitative, qualitative, financial, etc – factor which is vital, crucial to the success of a given business or strategy.

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Hello Zed,
This is vert useful.
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I've starred this one.
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Your training is proving very useful. Thank you for sharing.
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Thanks for your time Justin!
NeptuneSiver Premium
The Vets should be really good at the internet.
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