How to make the most out of our time when we work on our site

The right actions done consistently over time will result in progress. Which are these right actions?

To make the most out of our time, we’d suggest you check the following training (click over the point to go to the training).

1. Deciding what moves the needle and what doesn’t (focusing on the activities that have caused the majority of the results so far).

2. Creating as much content as we can in batches.

3. Breaking overwhelming projects into baby steps.

4. Creating processes.

5. Outsourcing basic stuff in which we’re spending too much time.

6. Repurposing more of our content.

7. Automating as much as we can.

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Willow29 Premium
This is some great training. My downfall is trying too hard to be perfect; I do spend a lot of time re-reading my posts and changing a few words here & there before I publish them.

I really enjoy the way you've laid out this training. Thanks for keeping me on track.
Henry-II Premium
Thank you very much for stopping by and commenting. I have the same problem. I talk from my own experience. I tried to be epic with every post when I started off, and I didn't realize it was affecting my productivity. We can't just hit the publish button to quick either. Balance is required.

I'm glad you liked this training. It encourages me to create more. Thank you!
Willow29 Premium
I'll be looking forward to it!
Henry-II Premium
From this same series, you may also enjoy this tutorial. Please, check it out:
JulietAA Premium
I just love this training. Thanks Henry
So many important tips.
I'll implement them.
Henry-II Premium
Hi Juliet. Aww, that's nice to hear you enjoyed this training. My goals to provide value for our sites and businesses in an entertaining way. I hope to continue hearing from you.
Very useful and straight to the point! Will take in what has been said. Christopher Toh
Henry-II Premium
Hi Christopher. I'm glad you found this training useful. All the best for you and your sites.
Fleeky Premium Plus
I simply love it!
Henry-II Premium
Hi Fleeky. Thank you for expressing your approval. It encourages me to create more training.
FKelso Premium Plus
Yes, definitely do more like this. Very clever! Quite effective. Were you able to create this one on the computer, or did you have to draw the pictures?
Henry-II Premium
Hi! Thank you for your kind comment. It's nice you liked it. Yeah, this comic was created on the computer.
FKelso Premium Plus
Cool! Yes, do some more.
Henry-II Premium
Yes, I will. Thank you very much for the encouragement.